See how easy it was to divert this fred on to a completely different subject.

Anyhow back to the original fred.
More notice needed for a evening ramble please.
Yeah, g'wan then. Might give me a chance to git Daft's scaffold pole too (if I dunt wrap it around Deddy Bears 'ead furst).

Ere' Kevo, you int gunna go reporting us fer any minor traffic reg's infrinjermints are ya?

Ooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh, isn't he bold! :p

Oh yeah, my front number plate is cracked, an MoT failure I'm told so I'm just off to report myself....
Awww guys!! Is there no spontaniousnussness fer the TOSSERS??

Sorry HB, s'family thing innit. Wuz a time I could (& did) git on me motorsickle & ride to Morocco or Barcelona or Germany an' stuff jest fer the feck of it. Now ahv got 'sponersbilitees an' that.

That sed I did say Friday FFS! :rolleyes:
Aww you'll have ter do wiffout me then guys.. am away fer a few days as of the morro.... mite be able to meet up the week after tho? Are we gonna make it a monthly meet or summat then? Like all offishul? Like a PROPPA club??!! Can we have badgis?! And Tee shurts?! Ooooooooo! Am all eggsited agin!
maybe we cud do next week aswell:D. that way HB and kev can join in?

I fort we WAS gettin T shirts - i fort sumone volunteered?
Wait on, wait on, lets jest do it early next week. That gives Daft time to chop up the scaffold pole I should have by then, we can find a nearby route that we haven't done yet, everyone can make it & I can be called wunnerful t'day an orl.

If yer want tho' Daft, me & theee can go do just that rilly, rilly overgrown ROW we dun a while back just to get the old confidence going Friday eve'?
Er, achally, thas kinda wot you sed! I am trying to roast a small sheep and keep up with this y'know...........that is roast, not fkn spit roast!
Wait on, wait on, lets jest do it early next week. That gives Daft time to chop up the scaffold pole I should have by then, we can find a nearby route that we haven't done yet, everyone can make it & I can be called wunnerful t'day an orl.

If yer want tho' Daft, me & theee can go do just that rilly, rilly overgrown ROW we dun a while back just to get the old confidence going Friday eve'?

Not too happy with that bush and tree scramble - mite just rip my tilt to pieces, unless yu fancy going along with a chainsaw to cut the trees back?

How about finding one we havent tried - and we can at least recce it for the next TOSSERS run?
Big gurls blouse, take the fecker off then!

I ain't bein' wunnerful again t'day, bluddy wears me out!

Aww, g'wan then. I'll have a look at me maps. Oh, get scaffold pole Monday.
so yu want to be "one-ear-full" again on monday do ya? :D

As I sed I am happy to go and cut it back, if thats wot responsible green-laners are sposed to do?;)

I did my first bit of green laning this morning!

I drove out to the tank crossing on A338 by Shipton Bellinger (Echo Echo) and drove for a couple of miles across the Plain, under the 303 to Cholderton.

It was bloody mravolous!

I'll find out this afternoon wether I'll be able to attend the Salisbury Shufty on the 26th.
so yu want to be "one-ear-full" again on monday do ya? :D

As I sed I am happy to go and cut it back, if thats wot responsible green-laners are sposed to do?;)

How is going gardening gunna build any confidence in the Dibnah? Best not trim it back anyways as it wuz a ROW not a Byway so it probably belongs to someone though there is a right of way across it.

I'll have a shufty at me maps at lunchtime & see if I can find something new and nearby for Friday eve' & have a look for an easy evening ramble for one evening next week...............which will be which eve'?

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