yeah but, no but, yeah but we need a Marcus to fritten orf all the nasty Teddy bears we meet in the woods!:eek:
Hehehe! He'll love that wint he?! I cun jist see his little face now!! All scrunched up wiff eggsitement! He loves the thrill of the chase does Marcus.. As anyone who flips him the finger whilst drivin a snatchback will know.....
Hee hee. I'd love to meet Deddy Bear in the woods, we should invite him.

Yeah, I'd be up fer a lil' evening jaunt. You trying to bust the Dibnah Daft?

Wot wuz yer thinking of & when? No footpaths this time though, eh?
an mee tow bar int finished yet.

and no - i aint tryin to break it - just get sum confidence in it.

and PLEASE - no footpaths this time, Marcus
Bluddy 'ell fire you's tooos. I cun't jest go at the drop of a mad hat. Could go Friday. Sorry & orl that, but I duz gorra family you know.

Give us a bit more time to plan a nearby root.

Hello guys (and gals of course!)

With reference to this evenings planned evening excursion...

err, will there be one possibly next week?

Thing is,

I'm working lates this week and earlies next week.

Time off with only hours notice is impossible.

If you've read my recent posts on here (I know TMHM has) then you'll know I'm very new to the Landie owners world and equally keen to get the thing dirty!

OOO A Kev!

cant see why not if Marcus and HB are up fur it.

Do yu reckon a Disco wud get thru sum of those bushes, M?

Hello guys (and gals of course!)

With reference to this evenings planned evening excursion...

err, will there be one possibly next week?

Thing is,

I'm working lates this week and earlies next week.

Time off with only hours notice is impossible.

If you've read my recent posts on here (I know TMHM has) then you'll know I'm very new to the Landie owners world and equally keen to get the thing dirty!


Gals?! Thurs only one Gal at the moment..! unless its 'Drag Nite', when the boys like to 'let their hair down'.. we don't have drag nites very often tho in case yer dint gorra frock. But I suppose yer cun join us if yer good.
Yeah, g'wan then. Might give me a chance to git Daft's scaffold pole too (if I dunt wrap it around Deddy Bears 'ead furst).

Ere' Kevo, you int gunna go reporting us fer any minor traffic reg's infrinjermints are ya?

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