Simon Perks

Active Member
The SU carb and manifold from ACR
The 90deg bend is made from ABS (?) 3d printed from HNJ engineering.
The air filter hose is new, for a Diesel

The original metal bend that fitted to the Zenith Carb is re used but turned on its side.
Joined to the HNJ adapter using the end of the original air filter hose.
Oil breather from the rocker cover can be used.
the other hose is feeding the brake vacuum.
(Heat resistant clear tubing from the local brewery)
The coiled control cable at the bottom of the photo is for the heater valve.


Throttle rod link
I don't like this, as a LHD the end of the steering rod linkage is exactly at the bottom of the path the
shorter adapter arm needs to travel.
This i will replace with a cable .. has anyone any experience with conversion?
Here you can also see the feed from the heater, not done that yet.

Lets hope the Swiss tester likes it ...


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It makes a big difference, whereas the zenith had a flat spot whilst accelerating, it would kind of top out .. the SU just keeps giving and I can even get it to pull in 4th.
It ticks over smoothly, no longer has the stuttering at idle.
I was even able to keep up with 100KMH motorway traffic.

It was well worth the cost and effort.
Next stop the ACR stage 2 cylinder head.
Sounds like a useful upgrade :) - looks pretty good too - always a bonus ;)

I'm not sure "Zentih" and "carburettor" should be used in the same sentence :D

Interested to know what the tester thinks of it ....... Good luck !
I have a complete ACR 2 .25l engine in my 1955 Series One 107” trayback and it goes nicely . Not as fast as when it was in my 86” but it can certainly hold its own in traffic. It has even been known to overtake a Range Rover !
I have a complete ACR 2 .25l engine in my 1955 Series One 107” trayback and it goes nicely . Not as fast as when it was in my 86” but it can certainly hold its own in traffic. It has even been known to overtake a Range Rover !


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