aye thur like kids you can either beat them into submission or con them into doing what you want
Titus is getting much better............he don't react to well to being hit so I am nice to him and he is nice to me :)
there's a shock..... something dint like getting hit and responds better to not being hit

Ooops. sorry, thought this was the Gaylanders ;)

So, looks like "Landy Zoners" has got top viewing ratings again whilst I've bin avin a swift 'alf. No PM's so must be in the clear ;) but anyway, why are people such arseholes (unless they're septics) think they can get away with bull****!!??


Oops, best lurk fer a bit whilst beer settles...
Its true what some have sed, this is better than the soaps lol. i dont really no the people that well. i only know what ive read but if its all true i kinda feel sorry for him, hes that sad and lonley he has to make up a life for himself to live online. a dam shame.
ah think you've gotta be a scared girllie type before you get one of them. maybe if you temporarlly changed yer name to Ms Grunt you might get one. oh! and say yer dad's owns t'it mill
I think it's time to draw a line under all this now....................I have had an email to my work addy from Rets and he has appologised and said that he is going to leave me alone. As far as I am concerned the matter is finished. I have wished him well and hope that he finds happiness.

I would like to thank everyone for expressing their opinions and for your support. Lets hope it is all over now and we can get back to the normal 'happy madness' that is Landy Zone..................Oooo I sound like I'm making an Oscar acceptance speach LOL!!!..............I'd like to thank me Mum n Dad, my...........:D

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