Will do! BTW in our Derby office today, would meet up but have to get back up North pretty sharpish tonight.
Will do! BTW in our Derby office today, would meet up but have to get back up North pretty sharpish tonight.

Well im stuck at home all afternoon now!!!!:(

Big family meetin later on, and im the subject of it!!!!!:eek:

Next time matey!!!:)
Excellent, looking for someone to put on my business plan as legal advisor - will ask the question again after 10pm ;)
how did the family meeting go, have yer bin banished from calling yerself part of it ?????

The family meeting was very stormy:(

Its a long story, so here goes......

I was adopted by my mum and dad 33 years ago, my birth mother ( my mums sister) was diagnosed with terminal cancer 6 months before i was born, she refused any form of treatment until after i was born, due to her delaying, she sadly passed away when i was 4 months old, so in stepped mum and dad and they raised me as one of there own.

At the age of 21 i discovered (by accident) that i was adopted as a baby, I never told my parents that i had found out about it, after a few years i found out who my real father was, i did'nt make contact with him at first, then an auntie told me the full story of how my father left my mother when he was told that she had cancer.

I first contacted my father 2 years ago, a family friend informed me that he was unwell and that he wanted to speak to me, I ignored his request until last sunday, Then it all got too much for me and i marched upto his front door and demanded to see him, his wife was shocked, he has 2 daughters and a son who knew nothing about me, words were said and i left knowing that he was an old liar who took the cowards way out with my mother.

He is terminaly ill with lung and throat cancer, and i just wanted to see him before he died, big mistake looking back now!!!!!

Anyway, i confessed all to my mum and dad, they were upset and we did'nt speak for two days, its like living with strangers here now, the people ive spent the past 33 years with are so distant and cold towards me at this time, i dont blame them though, ive hurt and betrayed them with my selfish actions, i only hope that in time, the wound will heal.:(

kinell rets - you sure you wanted to share that with us lot of reprobates?
Ok been lurking around this surgery for some months heres a general question

On the commitee of a private club which owns a cottage in Wales purchased years ago which rents out the place to interested groups such as schools. youth clubs and the like.

The local planning office will never allow it to be used a residential, its not in a good state of repair, no electy, calor gas, water from local stream, poor drainage. Since foot& mouth its become harder to rent it out, so to keep it going its been rented to private indiviuals including 4x4 groups. The land surrounded by forrestry but belongs to the cottage its only leased, about 40 acres, access by forrest tracks but key supplied to get though the gates.

Now one group took a load of mini motos, those little bikes up there and played around on the tracks & footpaths (not right of way ones) etc, Someone has had a moan to forrestry, now who can give permission to ride about ? the land is owned by the cottage hence the club but leased to forrestry. The group assumed since the cottage owned the land they were in the right to ride about ie use the land while they rented it out. The place is still marked out by walls and they stayed within the boundarys.

Permission was given to drive to it by car, the gate boundary to the cottage (not locked) has access rights, most riding about was done on this private track

reason for asking, just waiting for the next commitee meeting, some don't like (older anti's) 4x4 groups but without them (30%) booking the club would be in mess.
ffs heidi, thats some familyy meeting, mine normally last about ten minutes and go like this

why dunt yer speak ter yer sister

cos she's a ****

you still owe mam 2 grand

take it out my share when she dies

you are a selfish bastard

i know

you might as well **** off home then

And your question is ??????:confused:

sorry i'll make it clearer

who can give permission for motorised vechicles to drive over private land ?

the owners ie the club who own the cottage and land


the persons who lease the some of the land from the owners, ie forrestry commision.

(forrestry have permission to vechicles in course of there use)
the owners ie the club who own the cottage and land


the persons who lease the some of the land from the owners, ie forrestry commision.

(forrestry have permission to vechicles in course of there use)

It all depends on the terms of the lease, If when the lease was granted to the forrestry commision, all rights of use and access were transfered to them, then im afraid they can state who uses the land and for what purpose.

Without seein the lease its a little tricky to advise.
It all depends on the terms of the lease, If when the lease was granted to the forrestry commision, all rights of use and access were transfered to them, then im afraid they can state who uses the land and for what purpose.

Without seein the lease its a little tricky to advise.

OK thanks

Will try to get access but pretty sure its with the deeds in some briefs office somewhere so not so easy

Some of the commitee are not to happy renting the cottage out to "groups" but they provide a income, its a walkers/ ramblers /climbing club and full of "antis". Years ago it was easier, groups turned up in normal cars, and mini motos were un heard of.

You can't really state you can't turn up in so & so and not bring this and that, forrestry will most likey complain, and the commitee will have a flap.

Members at the AGM might find out and moan, but ban groups and the members fee might double, funny when it comes to money not so voical
Just wanted to link to this thread, some very interesting stuff here, not sure of any other way to do it than via a post. Retsgom your a good man.

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