ave a whip round ter pay fer the weddin - they'll soon stop the luvy dovey stuff once they're spliced.
well theres a bloke on our forum and all of a sudden hes fell in love with this doris thats also a member. now they seem to be filling the threads with a load of slushy lovey dovey crap, i was wondering if there is anythig we can legally do to MAKE THEM STOP NOW :D :D :D :D

Well let me see:rolleyes:

I suppose it could be annoying to the other members, but the bloke went on a mad 400 mile dash to see the lady in question last nite!!!!!:eek: :D

My god ive got it bad Yella !!!!!!:p :D
This lady is different from the other tarts ive had in the past:cool:

Hmmmm not sure I like being compared to a tart??? LOL!!!! But I think I know what you mean. :)

She accepts me as i am and never asks for anything in return:p :D

That's coz you're lovely ;) :D

oooh retsy's gettin all serious, he'll be issuing writs and sendin oot them expensive letters if we carry on windin him up ;)
Hmmmm.........well it's parr for the course that you try windin us up.....that's what you get for tellin a forum about your 'real' life. But it's ok :) The Lawyer and the Copper, will just smile ;)

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