Forget the rescues.......
Forget getting BB upright.......
Forget conquering basted lane.......

Im impressed that Heidi managed a flu landing trip without breaking down :p :lol:
Got some of the pics Zip took :D:D They are much better than my photography :D

He has some more to post later too

And look what the tippy ambulance lane did to my snorkel :D:D:D

Got some of the pics Zip took :D:D They are much better than my photography :D

He has some more to post later too

And look what the tippy ambulance lane did to my snorkel :D:D:D

How careless after I went to all the trouble of widening it for you! :p:p:eek:
Forget the rescues.......
Forget getting BB upright.......
Forget conquering basted lane.......

Im impressed that Heidi managed a flu landing trip without breaking down :p :lol:

Tis true to say I was holding my breath and praying to the patron saint of landy's all weekend but she did it :clap2:

More than can be said for my Kia this morning - had to get the RAC .....again :('re going to have to go back and do strata with a few more bods so the camera can capture the sheer terror experienced by most on the first time over the bomb hole :D're going to have to go back and do strata with a few more bods so the camera can capture the sheer terror experienced by most on the first time over the bomb hole :D

See I am old enough to not need that :D:D It was a great lane and there was a perfectly good alternative route. Why put myself through that :D:D:D. Of course I didn't have a big group winding me up either :D Zip was also really good and didn't do it himself, what the hell would I have been able to do if something had gone wrong :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

What did you really want to say :p:p:p:p:p

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