great thanks for your hard work funky, getting me thermals warmed up, flask full and camera with full charge so lots of pics hopefully....
really looking forward to meeting all you that are going and wondering if i should purchase a cb to keep in contact with sue and sarah on the convoy down??

YES YES get a CB. you'll miss out on alot of laning chatter without one.
ok cb bought, just need to get a mounting bracket for the whiplash ariel i have and all sorted, even fitted it in (well loosely as i will need to take out when its parked up)
will be calling hotel tonight and finalising my bedroom needs.
tomorrow morning the truck is in for a service/safety check at simons services (shame he couldnt get round to the exhaust)
on internet tonight to get me cb gardon up to date "roger" "20" etc etc
any thoughts on equipment i might already have and need to bring, got me battery booster, wheel nut remover, thermals and flask.....(breakdown cover in place too)
ok cb bought, just need to get a mounting bracket for the whiplash ariel i have and all sorted, even fitted it in (well loosely as i will need to take out when its parked up)
will be calling hotel tonight and finalising my bedroom needs.
tomorrow morning the truck is in for a service/safety check at simons services (shame he couldnt get round to the exhaust)
on internet tonight to get me cb gardon up to date "roger" "20" etc etc
any thoughts on equipment i might already have and need to bring, got me battery booster, wheel nut remover, thermals and flask.....(breakdown cover in place too)

A teaspoon if you are making your own tea or coffee. Very important....oh and also biscuits and/or cake for the guy at the front who has all the gates to open.

Either lemon drizzle or Vicky Spong. (pronounced SPONG not Sponge)

None of this walnut, tomato soup, carrot or african tree frog type cake we've experienced on previous trips.

We are not 110woman's cake experimental cake guinea pigs this weekend. :eek:
We are not 110woman's cake experimental cake guinea pigs this weekend. :eek:

Oh Mr Kipper.......mmmmm...... The temptation to say that you'd never have to suffer another one of my cakes.......ever again is sooooo strong.

But seeing as I've watched you eat half your own body weight in my tree frog cakes, I'll just wag a weary finger in your direction and sigh deeply with exasperation instead. :p
Oh Mr Kipper.......mmmmm...... The temptation to say that you'd never have to suffer another one of my cakes.......ever again is sooooo strong.

But seeing as I've watched you eat half your own body weight in my tree frog cakes, I'll just wag a weary finger in your direction and sigh deeply with exasperation instead. :p

I have to say the tomato soup cake that tasted much like ginger until the burps hit was a masterpiece. :D :D

You know I just love your cakes. Mrs 110 does make exceedingly nice cake.
I have to say the tomato soup cake that tasted much like ginger until the burps hit was a masterpiece. :D :D

You know I just love your cakes. Mrs 110 does make exceedingly nice cake.

Don't try slithering your way back into my good books now. ...too late.....I just think sticking to old gal vicky spong and lemon dribble is just too safe ( & its hardly challenging to make so gets a bit boring ) .

You want experimental. .boy are you going to get it next trip....will make other flavours pale into insignificance by comparison :eek: ( play appropriate menacing & dramatic music in ones head at this point ) :eek:
Don't try slithering your way back into my good books now. ...too late.....I just think sticking to old gal vicky spong and lemon dribble is just too safe ( & its hardly challenging to make so gets a bit boring ) .

You want experimental. .boy are you going to get it next trip....will make other flavours pale into insignificance by comparison :eek: ( play appropriate menacing & dramatic music in ones head at this point ) :eek:

Artichoke? Oh we did that one. :D :D

Plum sponge with remnants of next door neighbour? :eek:
Had a couple of attempts at sleet here....poor show not snow man to build yet!! :p


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