
New Member
Seems we've got a fair few of us working on projects ATM, so I reckon we should have a Place to post the shameful Bodges and "repairs" we've found on our journeys.... I'll start with my favourite piece of welding...

not on a landrover on a carlton thermostat housing snap bolts when taking thermostat out so put a pair of mole grips on as temporary repair(one of my fathers taxi's)I forgot about it changed car and my father sold car with mole grips still in place(well ****ed off cracking set the small ones):doh:
not on a landrover on a carlton thermostat housing snap bolts when taking thermostat out so put a pair of mole grips on as temporary repair(one of my fathers taxi's)I forgot about it changed car and my father sold car with mole grips still in place(well ****ed off cracking set the small ones):doh:

seen something cimilar with a transit someone had clamped the brake pipes with a set and leaft them on :D:D
i think i got the worst, i bought a series 2 off ebay with all the welding work done, i had it delivered as i had got no trailor and it was 200 miles away, when i stripped it down i found large amounts of patches in the chassis and the thickness of the plate was about the same as a sardine tin, hence i ended up scrapping the chassis
I bought a cheap series 3 years ago just for the engine and box but it didn't look too bad underneath so I took it for the mot. It failed miserably on chassis rot,the tester called me over to take a look, the front half of the chassis had been filled with concrete and that's all that was holding it together!!!!
I have found loads of bodges on mine. Mainly welding, which was done very poorly....or with silcion adn underseal to make it look like a weld! Will find pictures if I can!
I have found loads of bodges on mine. Mainly welding, which was done very poorly....or with silcion adn underseal to make it look like a weld! Will find pictures if I can!

that reminds me of the time i spent digging 2 binliners worth of expanding foam out of the cills on me brothers renault 5 how the hell whoever did it expected that to pass an mot ill never know:eek::eek:
Concrete chassis!!! :lol::lol::lol:

:nopics: ...by the way!

Here's my entry from my 2A which I'm sure a lot of you have seen already. Not exactly a bodge, but just a stupid thing for the previous owner to have forgotten about...

i had a crx that i used on the road for a couple years on the road then retired it to a track car because i bought a scooby any who i binned it at knockhill and one of the skirts came off a bit so after a full day on track i got it home and set about repairing the skirt the next day and i found the quarter was held to the sill with fiberglass and the back 40 percent of the sill was also glass fiber i spent about 2 days repairing it back to a safe sandard it was a scary thought considering i had been doing over 100mph in it over the course of 4 track days
I had a mate a long time ago who stripped down his mini engine and found one of the pistons was made of oak. Apparently this wasn't an uncommon bodge - I suppose a bit of turned oak is probably as strong as alloy and nearly as fireproof.
Concrete chassis!!! :lol::lol::lol:

:nopics: ...by the way!

Here's my entry from my 2A which I'm sure a lot of you have seen already. Not exactly a bodge, but just a stupid thing for the previous owner to have forgotten about...


:eek::eek::eek::eek: Can you imagine if that fell off and hit the wheel at 50mph on the Motorway!
love the socket wrench !

i found me a nice surprise in the form of 2x2 for door frames on all 3 of the doors on my 90.... - painted over in the correct colour for the vehicle it looked "right" - took my door cards off and found wood ! - classy ....

knew it needed new doors anyway - skins were rotten

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