ere - as we is now officially called "The Tossers" shd we have stickers made made up so lz peeps can recognize us - summat like "I am a T.O.S.S.E.R!"
datud look good on the back of my mota;)
See, you are jest warped Daft. Your idea of adventure is to drive around with a stika on yer mota announsinating that yer a tosser? Explains a lot tho'.
Ackchewerly - the last laning event wuz unofficially named:

Basingstoke Unplanned Mighty Muddy Event and Reconoitre... so, just fer a day, we wuz all BUMMERs!

There - that'll cheer Marcus up no-end I reckon ;)
Funny that, & ther wuz I finking it wus achally called the All Day Zoom Into Sunny And Cloudy Undergrowthy Nasty Terrain.

Well, how wrong I can be!
Yeah - but I prefered this...

Many Alternative Routes, Clearly Useless, Sampled. You Ought to Use The Wayfinder Atlas Toerag! I deleted the other one ;)
Yeah - but the other one didn't capture the 'spirit of the day' quite so well as this, bearing in mind how many times we turned left when we should have turned right, or was it right when it should have been left?
Less Effort All Round Needs To be Output, if The Elected Leader Loses Little Effecive Ferkin Time FiguRing Out Mr Right Instead of Going to tHe lefT
Nah - yer account has bin hijacked by sum Glaswegian student nurse transvestite... there's no uvver logical explanation ;)

I'm off ter bed - night all :D
Yeah - but the other one didn't capture the 'spirit of the day' quite so well as this, bearing in mind how many times we turned left when we should have turned right, or was it right when it should have been left?

Er, twice I think & one of those wuz down to Daft's map reading. Nevva bin good @ left & right, even tho' it wuz on me wellies till I wuz 25.

Did I or did I not get you, with minimum delay to some feckin good lanes?

Fkn shagrin, fkn wordsmith who'dya think you are, fkn Morrisey? Fkn feck feck feck.

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