Scraping paint
Posted by min200 Sun, April 27, 2014 17:29:33

Just a small potter today. I don't know why but I feel out of sorts like something isn't quite right but I cant put my finger on it? Either a bug coming on I expect as the kids have been coughing and sneezing for a few days (don't you just love those little plumbers!) or it's just my body and mind winding down from a couple of weeks in the transport office arguing with drivers who want their arses wiped for them.

Anyways after he days chores were done I didn't feel like doing a lot but the weather is good and the landy is on the drive so I thought a paint scrape was in order to remove the layers and layers of loose paint off of it. The army are good at paint jobs, if it needs a new colour you just thickly paint over the old one! Cant fault them its cheap and effective but its going to take more than a paint scraper to get it back to a decent even level so I have ordered some sanding discs to help the job on.

After that was done I decided to have a quick stab at removing the old antenna mountings off of the sides and was pleasantly surprised when they came off nice and easily!

Before the scrape and antenna removal..

And afterwards...

Not a massive difference but these little steps add up!

Had an hour on Ebay as well looking at parts for it and have ordered sanding discs, new ignition barrel and a letter from Heritage stating the year of its build etc.

Landy Project Costs

Land Rover £375

Sanding Discs £11.70

Ignition Barrel £20

Heritage letter £21.75

TOTAL £428.45

never been one to stop a man from working, but, have you tried a good jet washing of the flaky paint areas to see just what you can move with intense water jets :confused:
That was my original plan. I took the jet wash out of the shed plumbed it all up ready to go and nothing! Turned out the motor has seized over the winter :( Im not running out to buy a cheap one as the old Karcher has given me years of service so I will save up and buy a decent one again.

The Landy would have needed sanding anyway as there must be 6 layers of paint on it...probably one of the reasons its lasted so well :laugh:
The Landy would have needed sanding anyway as there must be 6 layers of paint on it...probably one of the reasons its lasted so well ....
dont knock it eh....paint does cover all metals/alloys very well if enough is applied..
Oiling up.
Posted by min200 Tue, April 29, 2014 11:30:21

Nothing much happening on the project as we are into the working week. I did get time to have a look around the engine bay and WD40 up any moving parts that needed it along with the spark plugs seeing as they look pretty well rusted in place.

I had another good look around the bulk head and apart from the one bit in the passenger footwell it really is solid! It amazes me that something can last out so well when its just been dumped in the corner of a yard for years!

There are also twin fuel tanks under the seats which I hadn't noticed before so im learning as I go with this one.

Nothing else new ordered for it....yet.
The letter from the Heritage Motor Centre arrived today with the Landy's date of birth.

It was made at the Lode Lane factory, Solihull on the 8th August 1983. This letter will help with registering it with the DVLA once the rebuild is done and the motor has an MOT.

Of course I have been spending more money and today picked up a couple of batteries and a rear quarter light. These were needed because the replacement ignition has arrived so it will be good to see what electrics if any work on it!

The only bits I have done today to the Landy are starting to disconnect the wiring toi the nearside wing which will be removed later this week.

I have Wednesday and Thursday off this week so I'm hoping to make some serious headway on the welding.

Landy Project Costs

Land Rover £375

Sanding Discs £11.70

Ignition Barrel £20

Heritage letter £21.75

2x Batteries and rear 1/4 light £35

TOTAL £463.45
love it matey....

must admit its a shame your jet wash is not working, as looking under that bonnet its crying out for a good spring clean, and being 24 volt would assume its pretty watertight ....
maybe one of my fetishes, a good jet love clean things......
was even parked in tescos car park waiting for the mrs today - and I just had to look under my bonnet to see how clean it all is after yesterdays engine bay jet wash...:)
Bit of chassis cleaner all over it and a power wash and it'll be as good as new! Great wagon great price does it run? What engine has it got?
A pressure washer would be nice but its broken :( BUT.....I will be getting aother soon enough if I get my way ;)
You had best check the engine bay again in the morning just to be sure its still clean, its a long way back from Tescos.

It's a 2.25 petrol and it turns free enough but as for running watch this space :)
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I've been looking forward to a couple of days off so I could get stuck into the Land Rover again but the weather hasn't been on my side. I did get to do a fair bit yesterday before the heavens opened for good but today it has been raining since I got up so I shall take solace in hunting ebay for bargain parts that I need but cannot afford.

So yesterday I jumped up bright and early to the comment from Wifey of "Why don't you have a lie in?" You would think that after 15 years together she would know I ma still a big kid at heart and with something as tempting on the drive as I have sleep is an awkward chore that just has to be done in the shortest time possible!

My plan of attack was straight forward...I wanted to weld up those holes in the passenger foot well. First off was the near side wing as this is very badly dented and out of shape and the replacement is waiting in my shed to be fitted. I disconnected all of the wiring for the lights and figured out a bolt at a time exactly where abouts they were all located by thinking to myself "well that should come off now" only to find it wouldn't and then searching for the offending bolts they fitted as overkill at the factory.

Whilst taking off the wing I realised that the front bumper was in a bad state of affairs and could do with replacing so it was whipped off using a wheel brace and brute force.

With all of this of I could now access the front floor well without having to perform contortionist acts with a welder in my hand. The area was ground back to give me some clean metal to weld to and off I set with the welder...

The welder wouldn't work and it took me some time to figure out why the feed wasn't playing. It wouldn't feed because the top couple of layers of weld had gone rusty, when I thought back to the welders last use I realised it was over four years ago so it wasn't surprising really. With the rusty wire stripped out off I went to weld and play again. The floor pan is now hole free but the rain kicked in before I got to grind my over enthusiastic welds down so that's my first job for when the weather clears.

The "Artic Weather heater" that's in this Landy has bits all overt the place including this heater in front of the radiator!

So I think I will strip the lot out altogether once the bodywork is sorted.

After stripping the wing off I found the normal heater to have rusty holes in it and on the bracket mounting it to the body work so this was stripped out ready for a replacement once I get to the putting it back together stage.

The only thing ordered this week are a pair of battery clamps for the terminals. Once the weather clears I will be starting on the painting of he chassis I can reach and then the refitting of the floor pan that was removed whilst I was welding.

Landy Project Costs

Land Rover £375

Sanding Discs £11.70

Ignition Barrel £20

Heritage letter £21.75

2x Batteries and rear 1/4 light £35

Pair Battery Terminal Clamps £3.99

TOTAL £467.44
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A pressure washer would be nice but its broken :( BUT.....I will be getting aother soon enough if I get my way ;)
You had best check the engine bay again in the morning just to be sure its still clean, its a long way back from Tescos.

It's a 2.25 petrol and it turns free enough but as for running watch this space :)

Oh, as its been pi$$/pouring with rain today,

so our beachfront road being as bumpy as feck, had big puddles to splash through....

frightened to look under the bonnet in case its got dirty :rolleyes:

but on a better note, keep the log going on your new baby...

and as you commented on being asked for a lie in by the mrs,
ohhh, dont neglect the needs of the swimbo....
you`ll pay fit it later :rolleyes:
I wasn't lucky enough to be invited to stay in bed with the wife and have a "lie in"...She was already up and ready for work lol
It's Alive!
Posted by min200 Fri, May 09, 2014 10:34:47

Seeing as the rain had held off this morning and I have some time to kill before work I decided to see if I could get the electrics on the old girl fired up. I wired up a new battery connector link, not bad for the total cost of less than £6, and set to replacing the ignition barrel.

In a rather unusual turn of events this all went very well with no major problems arising or bits falling off as I was doing it so all was wired up in less than 20 minutes.

Now was the moment of truth...I turned the ignition on and there was life!! The wiring loom works across the board and the engine turns over nicely, I knew the engine wasn't seized but it is nice to hear the starter motor working after being parked up in the corner of that farmyard for so long!

I even managed to find all of the screws for the steering column cover and put that back on along with freeing up the choke cable.

So I am like a kid at Christmas now happy that the 24v system can stay in but seeing as that Artic heater was working just fine I am back in two minds about taking it out again! Thankfully there is plenty to do so no rush to make that decision.
Steady Progress
Posted by min200 Sat, May 17, 2014 19:34:57

I have done a few things over the last couple of days but the tinterweb was down so I couldn't update!

Started to underseal the chassis and bulkhead, I had forgotten what a messthat stuff makes and how the hell does it end up all over you even when you think you are being careful! Still the results are great with the chassis looking like new.

There is still plenty to do under there but at least two thirds is done which is nice!

I have repaired and refitted the old heater I removed as it is 24v and if I can save a few pennies here and there all the better. After refitting I tested it and it works perfectly.

Next step is going to be refitting the replacement wing along with loosening up the exhaust bolts at the manifold because whilst undersealing I noticed the exhaust has been more or less completely flattened in one stop under the chassis so will need to be replaced. Im quite glad I have seen it if I am honest because it would have been a pig of a job once the wing was back on!

More pics to follow soon.
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Landy Project Costs

Land Rover £375

Sanding Discs £11.70

Ignition Barrel £20

Heritage letter £21.75

2x Batteries and rear 1/4 light £35

Pair Battery Terminal Clamps £3.99

Floor pan nuts & bolts £6.50

TOTAL £473.94
Posted by min200 Mon, May 19, 2014 16:20:03

I have been taking advantage of the glorious weather we have been having which has arrived at the same time as my days off of work which has been superb!

Saying that by taking advantage of I mean I have been out and about most of the time on my motorbike but I have still managed to get a couple of bits done.

I sanded down the bodywork trying to remove some more of the layers upon layers of paint that the Army have slapped on but I don't think I will ever get a completely smooth surface, still this will ad to the character of the old girl I suppose!

I primed up some of the rusty areas under the bonnet and on the front panel.

Then I set about patching a few holes in the body work where old bolts used to come through making sure I made the two patches on the roof watertight.

My next big removal problem is inside there is an old radio rack fitted to the floor that had flat head screws through to welded bolts underneath the floor. I cant get to the bolts with a grinder and the flatheads are either seized solid or rusted enough so as to give no purchase. Maybe I will grind off the old uprights and use this old rack as some sort of holder. No rush to decide it's not in the way.

Once its a bit cooler I will finish the under sealing of the chassis then we will be onto the mechanical side of things which I am looking forward to!

Landy Project Costs

Land Rover £375

Sanding Discs £11.70

Ignition Barrel £20

Heritage letter £21.75

2x Batteries and rear 1/4 light £35

Pair Battery Terminal Clamps £3.99

Floor pan nuts & bolts £6.50

Grinding disc £2.25

TOTAL £476.19

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