Getting ready.
Posted by min200 Sat, October 11, 2014 12:58:42

They say time flies and it really does in what seems like a blink of the eye I have arrived upon the eve of going away to The Outward Bound Trust in wales that I was raising money for a while back.

When they asked for volunteers it was on a nice spring day with the promise of a superb summer to follow so I said yes but has anyone else noticed it turned a bit bloody chilly this week and I will be spending most of next week either on a Welsh mountainside or in some sort of river bay or pond...

So this morning was spent buying the local Yeomans out of thermal under wear and woolly socks! Im looking forward to helping these kids out but im buggered if I will spend any more time than needs be being freezing cold and wet! Bought a few extra bits as well just in case the kids coming don't have the luxury of such things.

SO with this and the daft 12 hour days if the past few weeks the Landy has been a bit neglected with a pile of parts in the shed waiting to go on and a job left half finished but after next week I will have the time to dive back in and get a load more work done to it.

Give me a week and I will be boring the pants off of you all again after I have come home and defrosted first.
Getting ready.
Posted by min200 Sat, October 11, 2014 12:58:42

They say time flies and it really does in what seems like a blink of the eye I have arrived upon the eve of going away to The Outward Bound Trust in wales that I was raising money for a while back.

When they asked for volunteers it was on a nice spring day with the promise of a superb summer to follow so I said yes but has anyone else noticed it turned a bit bloody chilly this week and I will be spending most of next week either on a Welsh mountainside or in some sort of river bay or pond...

So this morning was spent buying the local Yeomans out of thermal under wear and woolly socks! Im looking forward to helping these kids out but im buggered if I will spend any more time than needs be being freezing cold and wet! Bought a few extra bits as well just in case the kids coming don't have the luxury of such things.

SO with this and the daft 12 hour days if the past few weeks the Landy has been a bit neglected with a pile of parts in the shed waiting to go on and a job left half finished but after next week I will have the time to dive back in and get a load more work done to it.

Give me a week and I will be boring the pants off of you all again after I have come home and defrosted first.

you go and have some fun lad, and the kids will remember you and it forever...

I too have stocked up on socks, today was "dickies boot socks" at Aldi, and in the week it was knee high arctic winter boot socks in wool/nylon mix from army surplus via ebay--- but they are really thick, sort of 3 sizes boots too big...must need wellies now to wear them with....:rolleyes:
:) I like new socks! I have just sorted through the mounds of old ones I have while packing for the week and my word they needed replacing!
The Outward Bound Trust
Posted by min200 Sun, October 19, 2014 14:14:21

Well I am back from my week away with the kids at The Outward Bound Trust and what a hell of a week it was!

To start it is a good four hour run blasting through some of the best roads North Wales could throw up and offer so I arrived with a grin on my face. That was soon wiped off when along with the other mentors we were taken around and asked to take part in a couple of the activities the kids would be aske to do during the week. No problem eh I am a grown man so what could they ask me to do that would be scary if they expected teenagers to so it.

They threw up a 30 foot high telegraph pole that you were to climb then stand on top of. Not too bad you are thinking right? Wrong. A 30 foot telegraph pole sways and wobbles when you are stood on top of it shaking so badly you look like you are dancing to techno music. Still once there the worse thing to do would be to come back down...the only way you are going to be doing that is by jumping from your perch to grab onto the trapeze swing dangling a few feet away at the same height as you.

That was my first change of pants.

All you had to do then while dangling on your swing was to trust your new found friends had tied the rope knots right and let go of the only thing you had hold off with a grip like death itself. Once swinging I have to say the view was pretty impressive though because until that point you had seen nothing but the red of terror in your eyes!

The kids had to do this...and they did it better than me!

160 teenagers turned up in a manic 20 minute window who were then told to get changed and do a "jog & Dip". Whenever I say "the kids" this ALWAYS includes me...I had to do everything they did. Well I didn't "have to" but it was expected and there was no way I was letting a bunch of hormone addled spotty kids think I was scared....I was crapping myself at times.

Anyway the jog & dip was a short half mile run, the last time I ran anywhere was with a large Doberman hard at my heels, to the sea where we promptly stood in a circle with our group of ten and dipped ourselves under the sea...cold does not even begin to express what the temperature was like! Sill the half mile jog back soon warmed us through along with more changing of pants.

Im not going to go into a detailed diary of the rest of the week because it would be a bit of a slog and I don't know if anyone else would be that interested but I will say the two day 11 mile hike up some of the biggest wind blown mountains North Wales had to offer along with wild camping saw the start of an incredible change in these teenagers. They started out as 10 awkward kids who didn't want to look at each other let alone talk to someone they didn't know god forbid that would happen but the hardships of hiking across difficult terrain, making camps as well as completing tasks as a team like when e dropped them onto a secluded beach with only the materials to make a raft so they could get back made a change in each and everyone of them that I would not have thought possible at the start of the week.

The kids grew up stopped thinking selfishly and considered their teammates. They supported, laughed and considered others but themselves. They pushed past mental limits protected and cared.

They left at the end of the week different people with hope and determination that would put most adults to shame.

I was privileged to witness this. It was an incredible journey to be a part of and humbling to see.

Thanks to each and every one of you who donated toward this the charity know what they are doing this was not a holiday for these kids much to some surprise on their part but a life changing experience ad any advantage that can be given to those that need it is a good thing.

Land rover project updates will be back from tomorrow.
The Outward Bound Trust
Posted by min200 Sun, October 19, 2014 14:14:21

Well I am back from my week away with the kids at The Outward Bound Trust and what a hell of a week it was!

To start it is a good four hour run blasting through some of the best roads North Wales could throw up and offer so I arrived with a grin on my face. That was soon wiped off when along with the other mentors we were taken around and asked to take part in a couple of the activities the kids would be aske to do during the week. No problem eh I am a grown man so what could they ask me to do that would be scary if they expected teenagers to so it.

They threw up a 30 foot high telegraph pole that you were to climb then stand on top of. Not too bad you are thinking right? Wrong. A 30 foot telegraph pole sways and wobbles when you are stood on top of it shaking so badly you look like you are dancing to techno music. Still once there the worse thing to do would be to come back down...the only way you are going to be doing that is by jumping from your perch to grab onto the trapeze swing dangling a few feet away at the same height as you.

That was my first change of pants.

All you had to do then while dangling on your swing was to trust your new found friends had tied the rope knots right and let go of the only thing you had hold off with a grip like death itself. Once swinging I have to say the view was pretty impressive though because until that point you had seen nothing but the red of terror in your eyes!

The kids had to do this...and they did it better than me!

160 teenagers turned up in a manic 20 minute window who were then told to get changed and do a "jog & Dip". Whenever I say "the kids" this ALWAYS includes me...I had to do everything they did. Well I didn't "have to" but it was expected and there was no way I was letting a bunch of hormone addled spotty kids think I was scared....I was crapping myself at times.

Anyway the jog & dip was a short half mile run, the last time I ran anywhere was with a large Doberman hard at my heels, to the sea where we promptly stood in a circle with our group of ten and dipped ourselves under the sea...cold does not even begin to express what the temperature was like! Sill the half mile jog back soon warmed us through along with more changing of pants.

Im not going to go into a detailed diary of the rest of the week because it would be a bit of a slog and I don't know if anyone else would be that interested but I will say the two day 11 mile hike up some of the biggest wind blown mountains North Wales had to offer along with wild camping saw the start of an incredible change in these teenagers. They started out as 10 awkward kids who didn't want to look at each other let alone talk to someone they didn't know god forbid that would happen but the hardships of hiking across difficult terrain, making camps as well as completing tasks as a team like when e dropped them onto a secluded beach with only the materials to make a raft so they could get back made a change in each and everyone of them that I would not have thought possible at the start of the week.

The kids grew up stopped thinking selfishly and considered their teammates. They supported, laughed and considered others but themselves. They pushed past mental limits protected and cared.

They left at the end of the week different people with hope and determination that would put most adults to shame.

I was privileged to witness this. It was an incredible journey to be a part of and humbling to see.

Thanks to each and every one of you who donated toward this the charity know what they are doing this was not a holiday for these kids much to some surprise on their part but a life changing experience ad any advantage that can be given to those that need it is a good thing.

Land rover project updates will be back from tomorrow.

Brilliant report min....
be proud mate..
Thanks chap it was an amazing experience. I learnt as much as the kids!
Thanks again to everyone who donated :)
Filling up.
Posted by min200 Mon, October 20, 2014 16:45:58

Wifey at work the kids at school and yet another cheeky day off at home for me so after the chaos of the past few weeks I actually got to don my babygrow and get near the landy.

My aim for the day was to get the fuel filler cap installed in place so I can actually put petrol in from the outside of the motor! I have been pestering folk for measurements of where their filler cap holes were (I originally typed "where their holes are" but after reading it back thought best to change it to spare myself some ridicule!) so when I chopped into the side of my landy the filler cap would be in the right place without a massive hole poking out from the edges... lets face it a big hole can spoil anyone's day.

The tape measure went out and in up and down until I was satisfied I had got it in the right place then came out the drill.

I thought it was best to start out with a small hole and work my way up from there until I got the dimensions just tight...I mean right!

The first hole was a bit tight...

But I managed to stretch it out so I could get the sides of the framework in.

Once a snug fit was achieved I riveted it into place and fitted the main and overspill pipework in place. A quick couple of coats of paintwork later I managed to get the cap in and I have to say the results are quite impressive!

The only extra thing I had to get was an extra jubilee clip to keep the pipework in place next to the tank.

It looks like it was supposed to be in there all along now.

Another job ticked off of the list along with a bit of a wink toward this old motors heritage applied in the form of the old tyre pressure psi painted back above the wheels on the arches.

The next job will be the brake system as the parts are sitting wanting in the shed to be fitted. The plan was to do some more in the morning before work but if the weather folk are to be believed I don't think sitting outside on the driveway playing with brakes would be a good idea!
Don't know what state the old tanks are in but if they are half decent get them on e-bay, they go for a bl**dy fortune. (change-over taps as well).

Damn, just read back and you've done that!
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Don't know what state the old tanks are in but if they are half decent get them on e-bay, they go for a bl**dy fortune. (change-over taps as well).

Damn, just read back and you've done that!

lol they did indeed go for a fortune and paid for my new wheels :)
Don't have anything constructive to add to thread but did just want to say how much I've enjoyed reading it both for the landy updates and your "side project" with the kids.

I can't wait to see her finished:)
One down three to go.
Posted by min200 Wed, October 22, 2014 13:50:38

Time to make a start on the brakes I just couldn't put it off any longer.

Brakes are not my favourite job on any project because its the one thing that always seems to throw up more issues and problems than I want or expect.

So I dug out the drum rebuild kits and decided on the off side rear drum would be my first victim. No reason why just looked like a good place start.

Wheel off drum off ok and the old rusty brake inners came into the light to say hello.

The rusty springs and old pads didn't take much getting off.

Now the brake pipes were another matter! You know I said something ALWAYS goes wrong well the pipe nut on the back of the cylinder rounded off on the first turn.

The metal had gone soft which is a shame because I thought the pipes would be ok and not need replacing but after a good luck and scrape it turns out about half of them are past their best. Hey ho I have learnt not to panic over such things and just get on with sorting them now but I will replace all of the pipework from front to back.

I had to undo the brake pipe at the union on the axle taking off the extra fittings to slide out the cylinder.

The new brake pads and cylinder were duly dropped in. Sounds easy eh? was it buggery! The hooks on the springs were too long but a quick grind got them o the right length and made fitting them a bit easier. I fitted the base spring first because well they are awkward fitting from behind the pads when they are on the drums.

One corner done and only three more to go. I bloody hate brakes.
agree brakes are a pain, but more pain without them..
Q. 1... are you using a brake pipe nut spanner - its like a ring spanner but thicker (tougher) but has a slit to go over the pipe then onto the blinkin nut....
its just a hexagon so has less chance of rounding off.
Q no. 2...if the brake pipes are a total loss, you can cut them off at the top of the nut and use a "good" fitting hex socket to undo them with.......even if you find a slightly smaller hex socket a tap it on with a hammer GENTLY it will make undoing easier ;)

or am I teaching grandma to suck
Cutting them off at the top of the nut was the way forward ;)

I mean why struggle with trying to get the bloody thing out of a part you are about to throw away anyway!??

Never too old or experienced to learn something new fella...Im definitely getting old and still stupid enough to have a go at most things the hard way round!
Cutting them off at the top of the nut was the way forward ;)

I mean why struggle with trying to get the bloody thing out of a part you are about to throw away anyway!??

Never too old or experienced to learn something new fella...Im definitely getting old and still stupid enough to have a go at most things the hard way round!

nice to know chap..;)
Pounds & Pennies
Posted by min200 Thu, October 23, 2014 08:35:49

Does anyone else get messed around at work? I seem to have a face that attracts it, maybe because I am an easy going guy but maybe they just like to take the **** and are waiting to see how long it will be before I loose the plot and start killing folks there who knows.

I have gone from a start time in the afternoon to a morning start time again after being informed "due to a reshuffle your start time doesn't exist anymore" I mean don't they realise what this means? I will have to come home in the early evening just like a normal person and see the Wife and kids SEVEN DAYS A WEEK!!! My god the secret to a happy marriage has been only saving that horror for the weekends before so now I will have to listen to the drivel that teenage girls and wives spout on a daily basis! Still could be worse I suppose...I don't know how yet but I will find something to take solace in as the day goes by.

Time to update the Landy Project costs as its been a while. All receipts were put in a pile so I wouldn't lose track and I finally got around to totting up what I had sold off of the project and for how much.

I want the costing list to be a true projection of how much money I have into it. What I mean to say is how much of my hard earned cash out of my own pocket so I seeing as I have put back into every penny the project has generated I have classed this as a credit because I didn't have to earn it (apart from putting a few adverts up but that doesn't class as work in my book).

The amazing thing is the Landy has given me more money back than I paid for it to start with and I have the thing sat on my driveway! I know that's a rare occurrence these days but its also left me feeling a bit smug!

So all in all the project costs are still looking good and my aim now is to get it roadworthy by the end of January, it was Christmas but with my new start time at work I don't think that's going to be possible.

Landy Project Costs

Land Rover £375

Sanding Discs £11.70

Ignition Barrel £20

Heritage letter £21.75

2x Batteries and rear 1/4 light £35

Pair Battery Terminal Clamps £3.99

Floor pan nuts & bolts £6.50

Grinding disc £2.25

Under Seal £8.99

Complete set of lights £85

5 Litres Primer £24.99

4 Discovery Wheels £10.20

Rear Door £21.00

Front Door £20.00

Handbrake spring £1.50

2 Discovery wheels

Two seatbelts

Wing Mirror

2 Headlight surrounds

2 headlight frames £60

2 Front Doors £60

Nato Green Paint £36

Rear Window Seal and insert £9.99

Wiring connectors £3.00

2 tins of silver metal paint £7.00

Fuses & Sandpaper £4.50

5x tins black spray £5.00

5x more tins black spray £5.00

Clutch fluid

Exhaust putty

WD40 £8.49

Car Boot Bits £13

Front & rear shocks £59.45

Front & rear brake rebuild kits £81.62

Fuel tank & filler £40

Wheels complete with tyres £250

Fuel pump

Fuel hose

Indicator stalk

Bonnet strap

Brake switch

Fuel pump gasket

Fuel line clips £67.74

24v Wiper motor

24v flasher relay

24v heater

24v front loom

oil cooler

Door tops x2

Rear bench seat £67.50

Roof rack £100

Wheel nuts £8

Brake pipe kit £39

Wheels £250


TOTAL £1388.16

Just turned 40.
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Pounds & Pennies
Posted by min200 Thu, October 23, 2014 08:35:49

Does anyone else get messed around at work? I seem to have a face that attracts it, maybe because I am an easy going guy but maybe they just like to take the **** and are waiting to see how long it will be before I loose the plot and start killing folks there who knows.

I have gone from a start time in the afternoon to a morning start time again after being informed "due to a reshuffle your start time doesn't exist anymore" I mean don't they realise what this means? I will have to come home in the early evening just like a normal person and see the Wife and kids SEVEN DAYS A WEEK!!! My god the secret to a happy marriage has been only saving that horror for the weekends before so now I will have to listen to the drivel that teenage girls and wives spout on a daily basis! Still could be worse I suppose...I don't know how yet but I will find something to take solace in as the day goes by.


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