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Went and had a look at an ex military series 3 on Monday and after having a good nose around and under I bought it!

The chassis looks like new but the rest of it needs some work...not too much but enough to make a good project :)

I managed to get delivery included all for the princely sum of £375 :D:D

To say I'm chuffed is an understatement!!!

Here's a few pics.

Well I started the deep clean today. I figure clear all the rust and rubbish then I can see exactly what needs doing. Turns out its an ex communications vehicle and has lots and lots of extra radio wiring through out but I will be removing this.

Only got about an hour in on it before the heavens opened but hopefully get some time in this weekend :)
The deep clean.

I awoke today to find it raining heavily which put a stop to any early work on the Landy today so a morning of running around doing family chores it was. I hate picking up all of the bits we need as a family just call me old fashioned but dog food and choosing paint colours is just plain dull!

But the sun broke through just after lunch so I dropped whatever it was I was supposed to be doing in the house, something about cleaning drawers out comes to mind but who knows what it was Wifey had in mind, and set to the Landy with a scraper and a dust pan and brush.

It's amazing what difference a good clean out can do and what you can find!! I knew there were a couple of bits of what I thought was junk in the back of it but what I found surprised even me!

A near perfect wing to replace my dented one!
A spare wheel the rim is sound but the tyre is perished.
I have literally no idea what this is!

SO with all of that out I scraped and swept the back of the landy until it was rubbish free!

I am still surprised at how well the body on this old motor has held up. I was expecting a lot more rot!

I then started on removing some of the old military bits that were no longer needed for the radio equipment it used to haul. I did get a little carried away with myself though and soon realised I had taken two bits of the 24v system from behind the seats...I promptly called myself a knob and put those back on!

The only piece of rot I have found so far is in the passenger foot well and that's nothing major!

I also WD40'd all the leaf springs and nuts and bolts underneath that I could find. I figured this is worth doing a few times as the old girl has been stood for a couple of years!

That's all today but we shall see what tomorrow will bring.
I converted a few 24 volt motors to 12 volt many years ago and we used to get a good price for all the 24 volt stuff we took off, It might be worth trying not to damage it and putting it up for sale.
I was thinking of just leaving it at 24v. What would need to be changed to convert it to 12v? I have read so many conflicting theories!
I would hazard a guess at:
All bulbs and relays,
Starter motor
Wiper Motor
Heater motor
Fuel / Temp gauges (unless they are on a 12V regulator)
I was planning to get a couple of batteries together and test the electrical system before I strip down the landy. If everything works ok I will leave it but if its riddled with problems I will do a full strip down and start again with a 12v loom.
I want this old girl to last me years so may as well do it properly!
Years ago I read that 24v is a great system and it is possible to live with it. I wonder if you Can split it to get 12v bulbs and so on but keep the starter etc?
nothing to do with 24 volt landies
(though your find is an absolute gem matey)
but I used to run 24volts to a 12 volts starter motor on my race cars ;)
the 12volt feed to the starter ran through the second 12volts battery = had 24 volts to spin the old style starter...

spun over "nicely"
Scraping paint
Posted by min200 Sun, April 27, 2014 17:29:33

Just a small potter today. I don't know why but I feel out of sorts like something isn't quite right but I cant put my finger on it? Either a bug coming on I expect as the kids have been coughing and sneezing for a few days (don't you just love those little plumbers!) or it's just my body and mind winding down from a couple of weeks in the transport office arguing with drivers who want their arses wiped for them.

Anyways after he days chores were done I didn't feel like doing a lot but the weather is good and the landy is on the drive so I thought a paint scrape was in order to remove the layers and layers of loose paint off of it. The army are good at paint jobs, if it needs a new colour you just thickly paint over the old one! Cant fault them its cheap and effective but its going to take more than a paint scraper to get it back to a decent even level so I have ordered some sanding discs to help the job on.

After that was done I decided to have a quick stab at removing the old antenna mountings off of the sides and was pleasantly surprised when they came off nice and easily!

Before the scrape and antenna removal..

And afterwards...

Not a massive difference but these little steps add up!

Had an hour on Ebay as well looking at parts for it and have ordered sanding discs, new ignition barrel and a letter from Heritage stating the year of its build etc.

Landy Project Costs

Land Rover £375

Sanding Discs £11.70

Ignition Barrel £20

Heritage letter £21.75

TOTAL £428.45
nothing to do with 24 volt landies
(though your find is an absolute gem matey)
but I used to run 24volts to a 12 volts starter motor on my race cars ;)
the 12volt feed to the starter ran through the second 12volts battery = had 24 volts to spin the old style starter...

spun over "nicely"

Thanks folks I'm pleased with it so far! A stab at the 24v circuit first I think then take it from there ;)

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