I'll never know exactly what I paid for my Series III as I did a straight swap for something that was rotting on my driveway as I suddenly decided I needed something bigger . The garage up the road had just taken in the series III, I had just decided spur of the moment I liked it and the trade was made. The dealer said he could have marketed the Series better but a quick sale was a quick sale and off I trundled as the proud new owner of my first ever Land Rover of any kind . AND I LOVE IT.....I didn't know anything about it but I'm learning all the time about the gears and levers , it's capabilities and its personality. I've even been Greenlaning now and am amazed at what this thing can do.
My question is .. What's it worth? I look on various sites and the range in prices is massive I honestly don't know whether it's a £1,500 thing I should just hammer or a £20,000 gem I should cherish!! Literally those for sale on line seem to have no rhyme nor reason to their value.
I'll tell you what I now know about my Series III and maybe someone could give me an idea as to what it's value is and also tell me why there seems to be some very nice ones on line for so little and some seemingly old heaps for a fortune.
It's a 1982 Series III in that Land Rover blue you see so much of .
The paintwork is original .
I thinks it's an 88 inch wheelbase and it's three door without the windows in the side of the rear panels.
Parabolic suspension, freewheeling front hubs , overdrive, a hand throttle in the footwell on the passenger side .
Brand new engine in 2008
Spare wheel inside the rear bolted to the back of the front seats.
As far as I can see pretty much original throughout .
Any thoughts please let me know
Kindest regards
There are some p***taking prices on Ebay, for example - and maybe some will pay that. I don't know who they are though.....

I've just bought a very solid zero rot completely rebuilt ex MOD LWB S3 that needs cleaning up and some cheap sorting for MOT for £1500 - the only substantial difference between it and the 4-10k ones is a bit of paint and plenty of spit and polish.

At the end of the day, it's worth what someone will pay for it.
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Make sure to look at the completed listings on ebay, not the ones that haven't finished yet. That way you can see that the ones up for 15k never actually get sold! Some have been on there for at least a year now.

As said above get some pics up.
My '80 s3 - 88" Station Wagon (so same as yours but with windows and side-facing rear seats), 42k miles and tidy, FWH, parabolics, no o/d, mostly un-mucked with, petrol - was a grand and a half last autumn, three years off the road and in need of a damn good service/brake rebuild/one chassis outrigger. I think I got a bargain, looking at what else was available at that money and up a bit.

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