
New Member
heres a long short as possible..bought an 18yr old 110 for son, did a car check thingy, online and with dvla. all comes back fine,said it had had colour change, never stolen etc. it has had a chassis repair at sometime in its life, that is obvious,... and the thing need a new bulkhead coz its way rotten, .. ok now here where it starts goin all pearshaped...send sed son to supermarket on sat evening.he pulls up in carpark, bloke opens his door and shouts... you!! get here! folllow me.!!. son thinks a druggy is gonna mug him and says no way..get out the fking car..bloke sez... son asks who are you..bloke eventually flashes badge and sez police...son gets out..and gets asked you insured etc...yes was answer an all checks out fine.. then cop says son must have lied to insurance to get insured on big landy..( he didn't) police then proceed to inspect landy, and ask how muck he paid for it.. they sed it was too cheap... bloody thing is rotten and has cost me tons on bits to get it roadworthy.. soooo. police say it may be nicked coz chassis looks dodgy, and vin number...omg...give him letter saying to bring it in and to phone up and arrange day to bring in.... ok i admit my sons landy stands out...painted all black with huge relentless stickers on the sides, bucket seats, boy racer special but a landy..i did all the work on it myself. we phoned pc plod, who apparently is undercover dc who deals in boyracer controll??? in supermarket carpark. he said to me i dont like your son and i am going to get that landrover taken off him..(didn't know police could be like that). copper reacons vin number looks suspect an he has power to seize vehicle if he suspects it isn't right...i have phoned dvla, who sed fill in a v888 we can give you its previous owners names, so we can check it out. and suggested i take it to landrover for them to look at vin..i phoned police and expressed my concerns about attitude of the dc, they said bring landy in, and a traffic cop would look at it, as a trafffic cop was trained in theese things, and that they would ask dvla to verify if landy was correct.. this was ok for me.. 5 mins later, dc with attitude rings up and says he is going to look at landy NOT a traffic cop, and there is bugger all we can do about it.and that he is definately going to take it off my son, told him i had been on to dvle, and landrover,... he was soo not happy with me about that.. i dont mind if it does turn out dodgy.. nothin i can do about that, but apparently dvla say police are the ones who decide if a car is not right or not. and can take it off us whenever they want. but that cops will use dvla database to decide.. what can i do?? has this happened to anyone else?
get it sorn asap.Then take a vital component off.Oh no its broken.Get son to turn up at dibbles request by bus with all legit paperwork.Then Dc gets told you can look all ya want but ya have to give me a lift home.Dc will get bored and have attitude with front down novas doing burn outs in mcds.a weeks time fix vital component in landy, crack on.
I would go to the local police station, ask to see the Inspector and make a formal complaint about the dc and his threats.
heres a long short as possible..bought an 18yr old 110 for son, did a car check thingy, online and with dvla. all comes back fine,said it had had colour change, never stolen etc. it has had a chassis repair at sometime in its life, that is obvious,... and the thing need a new bulkhead coz its way rotten, .. ok now here where it starts goin all pearshaped...send sed son to supermarket on sat evening.he pulls up in carpark, bloke opens his door and shouts... you!! get here! folllow me.!!. son thinks a druggy is gonna mug him and says no way..get out the fking car..bloke sez... son asks who are you..bloke eventually flashes badge and sez police...son gets out..and gets asked you insured etc...yes was answer an all checks out fine.. then cop says son must have lied to insurance to get insured on big landy..( he didn't) police then proceed to inspect landy, and ask how muck he paid for it.. they sed it was too cheap... bloody thing is rotten and has cost me tons on bits to get it roadworthy.. soooo. police say it may be nicked coz chassis looks dodgy, and vin number...omg...give him letter saying to bring it in and to phone up and arrange day to bring in.... ok i admit my sons landy stands out...painted all black with huge relentless stickers on the sides, bucket seats, boy racer special but a landy..i did all the work on it myself. we phoned pc plod, who apparently is undercover dc who deals in boyracer controll??? in supermarket carpark. he said to me i dont like your son and i am going to get that landrover taken off him..(didn't know police could be like that). copper reacons vin number looks suspect an he has power to seize vehicle if he suspects it isn't right...i have phoned dvla, who sed fill in a v888 we can give you its previous owners names, so we can check it out. and suggested i take it to landrover for them to look at vin..i phoned police and expressed my concerns about attitude of the dc, they said bring landy in, and a traffic cop would look at it, as a trafffic cop was trained in theese things, and that they would ask dvla to verify if landy was correct.. this was ok for me.. 5 mins later, dc with attitude rings up and says he is going to look at landy NOT a traffic cop, and there is bugger all we can do about it.and that he is definately going to take it off my son, told him i had been on to dvle, and landrover,... he was soo not happy with me about that.. i dont mind if it does turn out dodgy.. nothin i can do about that, but apparently dvla say police are the ones who decide if a car is not right or not. and can take it off us whenever they want. but that cops will use dvla database to decide.. what can i do?? has this happened to anyone else?

First stop is a letter to the chief constable. Second port of call is letter to police complaints commission. Start making notes on what was said, when and by whom. Ask for everything in writing.

I'm not wanting to accuse your son of anything but has he or one of his mates been winding plod up either in person or by driving stupidly? For a copper to have that much attitude towards someone it's often because it's payback for what's been given to them.

As for the 'boy racer control'. Due to the number of 'chavs' pumping the music up, handbrake turning, bombing up and down the same roads over and over etc many police forces are now collecting 'inteligence' on vehicles they see or that are reported by members of the public for causing a nuisense. This information can then be used to help issue a section 59.
write to plod HQ (not local station) tell him DC has made threats against you and your son and is harrassing you. Demand a meeting with an officer of at least the rank of superintendant and a member of police complaints authority. Tell them you will be bringing your solicitor with you. Then watch em back pedal.
There are always two sides to every story. Sit down with your son and insist he tells you everything that happened that night. Stress to your son that it is all going to come out eventually as you are taking it further with the police authority or whoever deals with police complaints. Tell him you dont want any surprises or make a tool of yourself. Have a meeting with the DC, just you and him and he may give you more info' on why he is determined to relieve your son of his vehicle. Supermarket car parks are a favourite place for boy racer burnouts, handbrake skids etc. Dont go to the police with all guns blazing until you know all the facts. I am a Dad, I know. Good luck and keep us informed.
Agree mostly with all above EXCEPT dont go near DC without solicitor/pcc/senior officer
he has already shown his colours
....tread carefully, no need for officers attitude but this now needs carefull attention from yourself........and i doubt very much that a single police person has the ability to take the car off your son without a valid reason, which they have to prove....due dilligence and all.......if the vehicle is legit, has the current mot, insurance and tax.....looking "dodgy" is not going to fly.....
Hope it works out for you and your son...
There are always two sides to every story. Sit down with your son and insist he tells you everything that happened that night. Stress to your son that it is all going to come out eventually as you are taking it further with the police authority or whoever deals with police complaints. Tell him you dont want any surprises or make a tool of yourself. Have a meeting with the DC, just you and him and he may give you more info' on why he is determined to relieve your son of his vehicle. Supermarket car parks are a favourite place for boy racer burnouts, handbrake skids etc. Dont go to the police with all guns blazing until you know all the facts. I am a Dad, I know. Good luck and keep us informed.

definately a good idea im 21 now but when i was 17 i had alot of runnungs with the police for just being a general **** in a car. had my car impounded twice when my old man asked i always sweared blind i did nothing wrong. but i obviously had!

saying that he probaly still wont tell you i wouldnt of done! lol
I would also have a recorder on hand for next time he calls, to have proof of his attitude
First stop is a letter to the chief constable. Second port of call is letter to police complaints commission. Start making notes on what was said, when and by whom. Ask for everything in writing.

I'm not wanting to accuse your son of anything but has he or one of his mates been winding plod up either in person or by driving stupidly? For a copper to have that much attitude towards someone it's often because it's payback for what's been given to them.

:5biagree: make everything formal as soon as possible and with luck they'll close ranks and said dc will have a superior 'word in 'is ear', end of story :D

Explain to son in no uncertain terms how easy it is for plod to make his life hell......I got breatholised twice as a lad (passed both times...but tbh the 2nd time I was a little worried) for no other reason than having a mouthy mate in the back :doh:...........good luck
I was in a similar situation. Im 18 and live in the middle of nowhere, but near a nuclear power station. So there is alot of police around, particularly at night. First day i had my landy. got pulled over on first day for 'no insurance' then 2nd time 'stolen' 3rd time 'no tax' 4th:'stolen' 5th:'drunk.' 6th:'un roadworthy all within a month or 2 and on a few times by the same coppers. I complained to IPCC due to their attitude and for being bullied by them.

Never happened since.

Make sure you have the full picture as youll look a tit, if your son says him and his mates were ****ing them off...

Good luck anyway
heres a long short as possible..bought an 18yr old 110 for son, did a car check thingy, online and with dvla. all comes back fine,said it had had colour change, never stolen etc. it has had a chassis repair at sometime in its life, that is obvious,... and the thing need a new bulkhead coz its way rotten, .. ok now here where it starts goin all pearshaped...send sed son to supermarket on sat evening.he pulls up in carpark, bloke opens his door and shouts... you!! get here! folllow me.!!. son thinks a druggy is gonna mug him and says no way..get out the fking car..bloke sez... son asks who are you..bloke eventually flashes badge and sez police...son gets out..and gets asked you insured etc...yes was answer an all checks out fine.. then cop says son must have lied to insurance to get insured on big landy..( he didn't) police then proceed to inspect landy, and ask how muck he paid for it.. they sed it was too cheap... bloody thing is rotten and has cost me tons on bits to get it roadworthy.. soooo. police say it may be nicked coz chassis looks dodgy, and vin number...omg...give him letter saying to bring it in and to phone up and arrange day to bring in.... ok i admit my sons landy stands out...painted all black with huge relentless stickers on the sides, bucket seats, boy racer special but a landy..i did all the work on it myself. we phoned pc plod, who apparently is undercover dc who deals in boyracer controll??? in supermarket carpark. he said to me i dont like your son and i am going to get that landrover taken off him..(didn't know police could be like that). copper reacons vin number looks suspect an he has power to seize vehicle if he suspects it isn't right...i have phoned dvla, who sed fill in a v888 we can give you its previous owners names, so we can check it out. and suggested i take it to landrover for them to look at vin..i phoned police and expressed my concerns about attitude of the dc, they said bring landy in, and a traffic cop would look at it, as a trafffic cop was trained in theese things, and that they would ask dvla to verify if landy was correct.. this was ok for me.. 5 mins later, dc with attitude rings up and says he is going to look at landy NOT a traffic cop, and there is bugger all we can do about it.and that he is definately going to take it off my son, told him i had been on to dvle, and landrover,... he was soo not happy with me about that.. i dont mind if it does turn out dodgy.. nothin i can do about that, but apparently dvla say police are the ones who decide if a car is not right or not. and can take it off us whenever they want. but that cops will use dvla database to decide.. what can i do?? has this happened to anyone else?
right heres my way round it wich is verry simple and effective towards ensuring yer sons landy dont go walkies

1 .... shift the landy to somewhere else out of sight for 2 weeks if they cant find it they cant take it :D:D:D

2 if the first suggestion cannot be done you need to secure it on you own premises ie; in the driveway behind a locked gate (the gate must be locked and chained good and propper ) or better still welded shut
so when mr plod comes to take it you need him to produce a county court warrant of search /recovery if he doesent have this paperwork it will take him minimal 2 weeks to obtain this document

when he returns with the document and finds the gateway is locked /welded shut tell him youve lost the key and the lock will have to be dammaged to remove it thus meaning he needs another warrant to gain entry by force wich will take yet another 2 weeks at least for him to obtain :eek::eek:

by this time not only have you had the satisfaction of ****ing pc hattichood off good and propper youve also bought enough time to get the ball rolling about the letters of complaint about his atitude and handling of your son weather or not hes done anything wrong or not :rolleyes::rolleyes:

this method ill admit is rather noughty but it seriously works as i have had to do this with several motors in the past to great success and have become quite skillfull in the art of making vehicles vanish for a fortnight or two for these purpouses :D:D

i just cannot believe that a copper can ncall a 110 a boy racer mobile (its not as if itll do 140mph or anything is it ) :cool::cool:
right heres my way round it wich is verry simple and effective towards ensuring yer sons landy dont go walkies

1 .... shift the landy to somewhere else out of sight for 2 weeks if they cant find it they cant take it :D:D:D

2 if the first suggestion cannot be done you need to secure it on you own premises ie; in the driveway behind a locked gate (the gate must be locked and chained good and propper ) or better still welded shut
so when mr plod comes to take it you need him to produce a county court warrant of search /recovery if he doesent have this paperwork it will take him minimal 2 weeks to obtain this document

when he returns with the document and finds the gateway is locked /welded shut tell him youve lost the key and the lock will have to be dammaged to remove it thus meaning he needs another warrant to gain entry by force wich will take yet another 2 weeks at least for him to obtain :eek::eek:

police can obtain a warrant while out side your house even to force entry .. wot you are saying was the case a few years ago but now if the officer believes there's a crime he has the right to gain access no matter wot .. he only has to phone through to the Sargent an say he believes there is a crime going on or suspects a crime an bobs your uncle your door gate wot ever is on the floor... hope this helps put your landy well out the way an not at a family members
If the car is hidden or put in a place where the police cant get to it they may put a marker on the Police National Computer. The first time its seen on the road it will be impounded. What happens then is anyones guess but it will possibly languish in a secure 'pound for a long time. The only way this is going to be resolved is a face to face meet. Things are said over the phone that wouldn't be said in person, just like blogs! This cop has had his button pushed by someone, if I were you I'd be more than keen to find out. It may be your son's mates fault. Keep us up to date. Good luck.
ug ug grunt... (scratch b4lls) ug grunt....

oops,, its not me thats the copper... that would be my bro... but he's an arse an not talkin to anyone in his family anymore....
.. i dont mind if it does turn out dodgy.. nothin i can do about that, but apparently dvla say police are the ones who decide if a car is not right or not.

Isn't it a bit late to check if its dodgy or not? Did you check it out before you bought it? Does it have a valid VIN number which matches the V5 and corresponds to the registration plate, year of the vehicle, etc etc?
heres a long short as possible..bought an 18yr old 110 for son, did a car check thingy, online and with dvla. all comes back fine,said it had had colour change, never stolen etc. it has had a chassis repair at sometime in its life, that is obvious,... and the thing need a new bulkhead coz its way rotten, .. ok now here where it starts goin all pearshaped...send sed son to supermarket on sat evening.he pulls up in carpark, bloke opens his door and shouts... you!! get here! folllow me.!!. son thinks a druggy is gonna mug him and says no way..get out the fking car..bloke sez... son asks who are you..bloke eventually flashes badge and sez police...son gets out..and gets asked you insured etc...yes was answer an all checks out fine.. then cop says son must have lied to insurance to get insured on big landy..( he didn't) police then proceed to inspect landy, and ask how muck he paid for it.. they sed it was too cheap... bloody thing is rotten and has cost me tons on bits to get it roadworthy.. soooo. police say it may be nicked coz chassis looks dodgy, and vin number...omg...give him letter saying to bring it in and to phone up and arrange day to bring in.... ok i admit my sons landy stands out...painted all black with huge relentless stickers on the sides, bucket seats, boy racer special but a landy..i did all the work on it myself. we phoned pc plod, who apparently is undercover dc who deals in boyracer controll??? in supermarket carpark. he said to me i dont like your son and i am going to get that landrover taken off him..(didn't know police could be like that). copper reacons vin number looks suspect an he has power to seize vehicle if he suspects it isn't right...i have phoned dvla, who sed fill in a v888 we can give you its previous owners names, so we can check it out. and suggested i take it to landrover for them to look at vin..i phoned police and expressed my concerns about attitude of the dc, they said bring landy in, and a traffic cop would look at it, as a trafffic cop was trained in theese things, and that they would ask dvla to verify if landy was correct.. this was ok for me.. 5 mins later, dc with attitude rings up and says he is going to look at landy NOT a traffic cop, and there is bugger all we can do about it.and that he is definately going to take it off my son, told him i had been on to dvle, and landrover,... he was soo not happy with me about that.. i dont mind if it does turn out dodgy.. nothin i can do about that, but apparently dvla say police are the ones who decide if a car is not right or not. and can take it off us whenever they want. but that cops will use dvla database to decide.. what can i do?? has this happened to anyone else?

Not in Eckington by any chance are you?

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