marksurry said:
But I have no Gaylander now :eek:
Should I be afraid of potential attack from the heavens?
Na your a helper ,and its not your fault yer hen pecked, i would never let Mrs Ming rule me. . .
bet he's gone off in a huff to buy a nice corsa or nova, maybe a saxo and bolt on tons of sh*t he can buy from halfords at a cut price, end up looking like a complete wa**er at the lights. There's a reason land rovers are so high up, it's to look down on bell ends like klumps
oops, that'll be me then. Being new to all this, just discovered the bit where it shows you how old the thread is. Please accept my humblest apologies

that brought back some memories.
Dear old Horsetrumpet and the B.O.L.L.O.C.K.S. campaign. All of which, if I remember correctly, started with that nice Mr Brooke Bond getting all upset about something or other (no change there then ;))

**Join the LandyZone Archaeological society today and dig up an old Fred.**
Oops, gettin meself all confused there. Had Big Bro and the kids over to visit today and went rock climbing at Brimham Rocks - removed a large chunk of me right thumb and not thinking straight :(

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