
So yesterday I took delivery of my drivable project. Named Wendy by my partner.

As said in my introductory post she's a 1981 2.25 petrol. Ive taken her for a couple of short adventures already. To the beach with aforementioned partner yesterday, and poped out for a surf with some mates this morning. She even kept up with a friends 300tdi 90 (for like ten seconds down hill with a tail wind)

Ive laid her up at home for a week or two while I sort out some little niggles (blowing exhaust, bearings in gearbox and some new instrument/sidelight bulbs) I have the advantage of another car for work based, none fun driving. Im looking forward to posting some pics of the ongoing maintenance, renovation and enjoyment of the old girl. Blow are a couple of pics from the first weekend of ownership shakedown.
Looks a nice truck does that :)

Think your spare tyre needs to go in the bin though - looks pretty what kaput with sidewall cracking :eek:
Well, today has been a nice day playing with Wendy. Started off replacing a dodgy section of exhaust, pulled the dash out and replaced the blown instrument bulbs with LED jobs (nice warm white ones not the boy racer spec blue), then I replaced the (completely absent) heater hoses in the dash so I have demister functionality (kind of).

I also fitted a set of mudflaps, don’t think they look right without them.

Then I took her for a celebratory spin down some lovely local greenlanes. Unfortunately no pics as it was going dark but I did get a couple of the bits I fitted.


Can’t actually see the huge hole in the old pipe but it was more than ready for the new one and took some angle grinder persuasion to get it off.


Much better.

Got a bit of a handbrake issue as I’ve a broken Clevis fork on the expander and that will be getting replaced tomorrow. Pic to follow.

Then at some point I’ll get her out and get some photos of Wendy in the wild.

Bloody love my little landy.
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Well, Wendy went to the beach today. Super stormy day, took in some lovely easy lanes near the house and finally got a couple of pictures...

Just before she ran out of electricity, died and had to have some help. What I love most about owning a Landy is that you get to meet new people. Today I met a great fellow Landy owner called Dave. Except today he was driving his other car... It's yellow, says AA on the side and has flashing orange lights on the top. :(

Anyhow, Dave managed to help by means of a voltmeter and some Waxoyl removal from alternator points and I tightened many many loose contacts and a fan belt and she seemed to be charging ok again. It was also mentioned that a nearly 40 year old alternator may not be up to running the blowers, lights and wipers at the same time, which it had all day in such crap weather, so I may look to upgrade that soon. She's getting a recon box, new clutch, pressure plate and release bearing next week so Ive spent all there is in the pot this month, but it can defo go on the list of to do's. (the ever growing list)


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