spot the Landy at the front :)
Nice one guys.. Wish i could of been there, but me landy is still off the road and i would not liked to of shown you all up in me ford puma :0p~
If you mean mine , thank you ..... BGB had a few "lighting issues":D sometimes his brake lights worked and sometimes the n/s was just not as bright ?

His roof lights weren't too bright after Saturday night.... :p
Well, where to start?

I had a fantastic weekend with great company, great lanes and great scenery. Really people, it was one of the best weekends ive had in a long time. so thank you all for that. :)

It almost didnt happen for me as i blew some fuses on the way down, 20 minutes with a multimeter and a screw driver had me going again on a mixture of side lights and main beam! :eek:

I have to thank FK for putting me up for the weekend and Caroline for cooking, it wur bostin as they say in the black ****ruy.

What lovely people i had in my group, a big thank you to all; mr and mrs muds, freddy, billy b, DJxan and last but not least bringing up the rear :eek: pikey and minty.

I do have a few photos somewhere, im just uploading them all now.

Some of sundays lanes were a little hairy but very good fun and after some surgical bush work all got around very well and without too many scratches i believe. I for one was very impressed with everyones driving and skill, it is always a little strange taking a new(to me) group out as you dont really know everyones skill level.

Thanks again all.

I have to say im very impressed with BGB's leading skills.....good pace, good communication on the CB, makin sure we is still altogether, goin first and leavin us behind to make sure the lanes are ok to drive, and even stoppin and takin photos of his group goin through the good stuff. :D

Your most welcome, thanks for playing tail end charlie all day and for closing the gates ;)

Thank you FK and BGB for yesterday's & today's lanes, they were fab! Last one today was brilliant loved every minute!

Your most welcome.

I thought the excrement note by beardie was excellent.

Let it be known i did NOT defecate on a tractor seat! :eek: although i probably should of, what an inconsiderate self pleasurer of a man :mad:

Landyzone goes to Torbay - YouTube

A "small " vid from Saturday's lanes.

Hoping BGB has got a few pics of the rocky decent as i forgot to press record then.:doh:

Im famous, woop, im on the internet :D Great video :)

Have a few pics of you muds, and some of you gripping the steering wheel on that one decent :D

Well what a fantastic weekend guys, thanks to FK and BGB for leading us down some truly awsome lanes, i really thought id done some good lanes in the past but they were on a different level especially the last one on sunday, my disco was leaning over in the rut so far i really thought it was gonna tip over must have been close to 45% i was pressed hard up against my window lol

your very welcome, was great to have you all along. I believe the last lane pics are on my camera too although mr slipper took some on his mobile as well.

good vid - has he got a side light out?

I have more than a side light out, there is all sorts of stuff going on with that LHS lighting stuff! :eek: Further investigation required. :doh:

Looks a good trip - put me down for the next one, please. I mite be free then

We wil definitely be doing it again im sure, truly an awesome weekend and now a firm favourite. :)

Right people i have over 200 photos and im not uploading them all so if you want the individual ones of yourself then you can take them from my photobucket account. I will post the link shortly.
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