The Chinese are only interested in big volume, especially when it comes to electrical items. If they cant fill a container with 1 order it's not worth it for them.
We manufacture our products in China so i have much experience of this.:rolleyes:
The Chinese were quick to produce AllComms clones:)
That's how much it would cost me to make them in small quantities, the stumbling block for the moment is the recognition code pre-programmed into one of the I.C's.
Mass production probably no more than a fiver including the case:mad:

I had wondered if it was possible to remove the chip, and then read/copy the code on it - to then program other chips with. It's obviously just something generic which recognises the rolling code of the P38 FOB... anyone up for a bit of reverse engineering??

If you had a YWY500170 unit 'spare' (yeah, not likely at the current prices!) then I'm sure there is a factory in China that would take the actual unit, reverse engineer the coding, copy it, and put a few hundred in a shipment for you for ohhhh about the price of 1 unit from LR...

Not that I'm saying that ripping LR off is legal or ethical... oh wait... much like their doing to owners?

I had wondered if it was possible to remove the chip, and then read/copy the code on it - to then program other chips with. It's obviously just something generic which recognises the rolling code of the P38 FOB... anyone up for a bit of reverse engineering??

If you had a YWY500170 unit 'spare' (yeah, not likely at the current prices!) then I'm sure there is a factory in China that would take the actual unit, reverse engineer the coding, copy it, and put a few hundred in a shipment for you for ohhhh about the price of 1 unit from LR...

Not that I'm saying that ripping LR off is legal or ethical... oh wait... much like their doing to owners?


The code chip is present in all the versions of the RF receiver. It's quite possible to interrogate the chip if you have the right kit, I don't at the moment. The copyright and intellectual property rights belong to HUFF not LR.
A mate of mine who owns a Rally preparation equipment business. Needed some special springs making for one of his new lines, he was quoted something like £4.00 each plus vat from a UK maker. With a minimum order quantity of 1000. He only initially needed 100. Got a 100 made in China with an all up cost to him of 20 p each. So it doesn't always work the way you say.

It does depend on how far a product detracts from their current production. Slight tweeks are always possible in low volume but if fully speccing a product from scratch that requires tooling investment etc, it's a whole different ball game.
I had wondered if it was possible to remove the chip, and then read/copy the code on it - to then program other chips with. It's obviously just something generic which recognises the rolling code of the P38 FOB... anyone up for a bit of reverse engineering??

If you had a YWY500170 unit 'spare' (yeah, not likely at the current prices!) then I'm sure there is a factory in China that would take the actual unit, reverse engineer the coding, copy it, and put a few hundred in a shipment for you for ohhhh about the price of 1 unit from LR...

Not that I'm saying that ripping LR off is legal or ethical... oh wait... much like their doing to owners?

Don't think you need worry too much,LR are making parts obsolete left,right and centre recently.Cant think it will be long before YWY500170 will be NLS.....
The code chip is present in all the versions of the RF receiver. It's quite possible to interrogate the chip if you have the right kit, I don't at the moment. The copyright and intellectual property rights belong to HUFF not LR.

But obviously the logic on the older chips is faulty as it lets too many signals through, waking the BECM up unnecessarily.
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But obviously the logic on the older chips is faulty as it lets too many signals through, waking the BECM up unnecessarily.
It's not the logic, it's the RF section that lacks selectivity, the I.C's in the early ones are specified as suitable for RC model cars:rolleyes:
fingers crossed someone else starts making copies of the rf ,even if a uk based company put a big order into china for them they would make a packet :eek:

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