GRUNT said:
Ba Dub e Dum.

Bloody 'ell

It wernt!!!Grunt,;)
It Wer! Ma nam a nah!,Do Doo Do dudo, Ma nam a nah

Bin hummin the bloody thing all day:D

ellow you 2 Loons!

Nice hair doo Ming
Dont think Blond dose much for yer thoug
marksurry said:
ARGGHHH, I was just typing that too.........STOP IT :mad:
Ffs sake stop bezzing about will yer,
yer makin me dizzy an its to hot to be running from one thread to another
Zippy wont be happy;)
mondo said:
Ma Nam an nah!

One anecdote about the above song.

Back in the '70's when working with ITT Europe we got our coffee (in the morning at 9.15 and in the afternoon at 14.15) brought by a sweet lovely lady, when she was coming around (we could hear her trolley coming down the alley) we all started to sing on the tune of the above

Madame Anna (that was her name you see)
Ta ta tadara

Hi ming,

Is it possible you have a twin brother overhere in Belgium ? This afternoon a saw an almost exact copy of you (apart for his haircolor but he just came out of an hairdresser's shop so it might be coïncidence) ??
Saw the guy downtown in Antwerp ?? Took a picture of him and shouted Ming to him but he just gave me dirty looks ?? Why ???:D :D :D

Hey has anyone noticed that Jeremy Clarkson looks like Beaker, the one that the proffessor did his experiments on.


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