
New Member
Hi All

This may be the most stupid question ever posted but can anyone explain how I remove the head rests on a 1996 Defender 110. I just want to be able to fit seat covers and for the life of me can't get them off.

Think you just pull them really hard up and out. They're only a tight push fit!
I'd go wi dafty's No1 URT, but thats me tool of choice fer removing most things on me Landy :D
there was a fred about this a few weeks back, can't remember whatvehicle it was . do a search and see what comes up
Yeah i had the same with my 92 DEF.Just spray some WD down them then wedge a long piece of wood between'em and the seat and yank'em off.
An I seem ter remember sumat abart twisting the collets or sumat or nuffink an' I cun't remember the veekal neeva....................er, I'll git me coat.
here are a few fur you to consider over a pint or six......

Where is the middle of nowhere?
How easy is it to fall off a log?

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a) Kill the animal?
b) Kill the plant?
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