My 1984 90 is somewhere around 140k but I suspect that the clock stopped working properly sometime back - started as a petrol, now a TDI.
Lot of fuel? get about 20-22 mpg(Imperial) most of the time. Lots of parts? Water pump and regular maintenance in last 2 years.
old disco 300tdi n reg 220000 before it got scrapped, about 20 more than that though as the odometer broke for the last 2 years, disco 3 76000 after 3 years my 90 92000 but the engine's done more tan that 200 conversion :D
207,000 on my 2.5 DSE Range Rover P38. On its second engine though. Still drives spot-on though.

Only 126,000 on the 110 though. It will be on its third engine (that I know of...) by next week... :rolleyes::D

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