Heavy Breather

Well-Known Member
Has anyone ever done a poll to check where the majority of our members reside? I'm a northerner and feel distinctly in the minority..............I'm sure 3000 members just shouted "AND SO YOU SHOULD BE"but we're not a bad few up here and it is very wet !!!!!!!!!
Has anyone ever done a poll to check where the majority of our members reside? I'm a northerner and feel distinctly in the minority..............I'm sure 3000 members just shouted "AND SO YOU SHOULD BE"but we're not a bad few up here and it is very wet !!!!!!!!!

well if yer wet,get a feckin roof on yer house yer tight git.:D:D;);)
Has anyone ever done a poll to check where the majority of our members reside? I'm a northerner and feel distinctly in the minority..............I'm sure 3000 members just shouted "AND SO YOU SHOULD BE"but we're not a bad few up here and it is very wet !!!!!!!!!

oh do shut yer wineing emmett its cold up norf so who the feck wants to live there,im not surprised you is a heavy breather:D:D:D:p
There's a thread about a map with users location (city, not exact postcode...you can even put anywhere you want as its done by markers) being done on the website and feedback forum....

there's a link and explanation on how to add you to the map.
if the admin/mods are interested I can work on it a bit more... could be usefull to know where members are

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