
Active Member
well thought i share this with use. 3 years ago i got rid of my landy discovery as i was spending to much time on it,and as time went by i regreted it.
then i decided to go for a normal car ford focus but it was never the same.
anyhow this week decided to look for one and after doing some searchin i came across my old landy.went to have a look and yip it needs welding but dont they all.also another reason i went for it was i know its history bearings,cv joints ,hg, full clutch with heavy duty fork, the list goes on. so now its sitting on the drive, waiting to be worked on. landrovers dont you just love them and im keeping it this time so on wards and upwards they say
thats so heart warming i cried a little. :)

fair play, enjoy it again then 2nd time around.

Good luck :D
When you had that Focus did you cry every time you saw a disco :Cry: was it like an overwhelming high when you got your hands back on the steering wheel I bet you where like a Cheshire cat :D:D:D

When things get bad remember what it was like to drive that Focus
yeah soon regreted it getting rid still im pleased i got it back.when i went to view it soon as i seen it it was like being in a time warp :D
It'll certainly be planning a vengeful kick to your ballbag in return for your hideous betrayal in selling it.

I reckon: blown head gasket/motorway when there's no hard shoulder. It might also shed a wheel just to give you an extra backhand across the cheek.

Hell hath no fury like a Landy scorned. That'll teach you.
good story with no ending in sight :)

I too know my landie from underneath upwards more than I know my wife now.

took me nearly 4 years to really get to know my "mistress"
taking all her hurt and worn ferious bits out and rebuilding them torn & tattered parts to like new or better.
but like an older women, she has her little off days, then just carries on as usual.

she is black with grey side adornments from the factory, still has built it roof light leeks still to be addressed :)

would I part with my mistress,
never, I just love her too much..

Ah, bless.... :0

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