I completely blanked another Defender today:5bredface:
Driving along my normal route to work A128 Brentwood and passed a 110? I think but I was very busy tying my shoelace or listening for a noise/playing with the radio and putting stuff in my newly fitted cubby box!! Completely missed it until it was in my side window and alas by then it was too late!!!!!

I feel terrible is this the thread to beg for forgiveness?!!!

I am driving a little white fiesta this morning but will make sure I wave with both hands to any I see to make up for my error!
I completely blanked another Defender today:5bredface:
Driving along my normal route to work A128 Brentwood and passed a 110? I think but I was very busy tying my shoelace or listening for a noise/playing with the radio and putting stuff in my newly fitted cubby box!! Completely missed it until it was in my side window and alas by then it was too late!!!!!

I feel terrible is this the thread to beg for forgiveness?!!!

I am driving a little white fiesta this morning but will make sure I wave with both hands to any I see to make up for my error!

...oooh, chaos in the tratter camp!

....its karma I tell you - payback for the many "up their own arse" tratters I've waved at and been blanked by, just 'cos I'm in a Disco :D
Gutted I'm not in drover this french trip. Seen a fair few landys and would've waved but I'd look a reet tit waving from a mondy estate. Wearing my landy t shirts mind.
I've been to Wales over the bank holiday weekend and can report that there is a lot of waving going on. Plus light flashing. I've even been doing a bit of inter-species waving too. Near the north end of the Strata Florida track yesterday I went past a load of dirty suspension-lifted Discoverys in my Defender and there was much waving. I didn't attempt the trail myself as we were only in one vehicle and didn't have any tools. Just had a look round the abbey.
+1 on that Brown, just spent a week in Wales and got blanked by 90% of the Fenders there:dance:.
So much so that the missus started taking the p*ss, asking what I'm upto and that.
Complete change when back over the bridge.
Well, there are lots of farmers whore just going about their everyday jobs and probably wonder what all this frenetic waving is about, so don't bother to respond. People on holiday or out for a bit of off-roading are a lot more wavy, plus all the various horn tooting and light flashing.

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