
New Member
I thought I would start a new thread anyone who wants to come on the 2 nd dec to the lakes more than welcome put your name down

1) Sammy1
word of warning watch out for the kankku idiots if you're around grizedale or parkamoore, cant miss the they drive G4's but last lot that went out shredded a tyre and burst a diff or t'fer box, cant remember which. All driven tours or self hire with untrained monkeys or tourists that have never driven a lane in them were blocking a lane for a good few hours
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word of warning watch out for the kankku idiots if you're around grizedale or parkamoore, cant miss the they drive G4's but last lot that went out shredded a tyre and burst a diff or t'fer box, cant remember which. All driven tours or self hire with untrained monkeys or tourists that have never driven a lane in them were blocking a lane for a good few hours

So I'll presume these are a bunch of un-lead shirts and ties out on "team building" weekends then? Do they only use the specific areas you mentioned?
Half and half, they either do a driven tour then let the punters drive after a while of watching or they also less frequently rent out the two camo soft top 90's and no supervision for them they can drive where ever they want although most just seem to stay around the easy ones at hawkshead.

the tyre and diff/t'fer were actually bust by a worker, heard that down in the pub from someone that worked there
Oh is that where they go. We see them Kannku orange things go past Waterhead where our boat is parked. I thought about following them but couldn't be arsed.

If these lanes are no worse than the couple we did in Derbyshire I'm interested, it'll have to be nice enough to sleep on the boat though :D

It's an unmodified Disco 300TDi, no lifts, with a vallance, tow bracket and a slightly bent side step. :eek:
Dont do grizedale in a bog standard its not a good plan but most others will be easy enough as long as you have AT's on it or at least some decent road tyres if dry day

Not been out on them for a while so cant remember all the bad ones but grizedale is one of the rockier ones, last time I was on it a hilux had ripped a prop off, blocked it for 3 hours while they struggled in the rain. I was happy sitting in a heated cab laughing
not tried, never interested me but I'd presume hard

phone lakes national park or local council to find out
How easy is it to get the permit for gatescarth pass?

It's open 1 day per month except for winter. no more than 10-vehicles per day. nd you have to book the date you want with exact details of what vehicles inc reg numbers are going to be doing the route. It one of the best lanes in britain everybody who is serious about laning wants to do it.

How easy do you think it's gonna be to book it??? Got more chance of shagging Halle Berry
sorry read that wrong if there is anyone with more experience than me of the lakes wants to sort a route out feel free ive got map marked up and memory map but only done the lakes twice
But there is a chance, lol
I've just had a read through the steps on how to apply and what you need to do

4x4 vehicles are not permitted from December to March inclusive each year. This is to safeguard the most vulnerable sections of the Pass from disturbance.

There is a permit day 2nd Dec but as the dates where publshed in 2011 I can't see it remaining unbooked for a whole year.
4x4 vehicles are not permitted from December to March inclusive each year. This is to safeguard the most vulnerable sections of the Pass from disturbance.

There is a permit day 2nd Dec but as the dates where publshed in 2011 I can't see it remaining unbooked for a whole year.

That's a shame, I'm going to ring in the morning and see if it's fully booked

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