Graham Wilkinson

Active Member
Any one in the Northwest take look at this, Briercliffe 4x4 just outside Burnley are trying to oganise an event where jap 4x4's are up against landrovers!!!
The below is copied off Briercliffe 4x4 they are in need of more landys

The Ultimate 4x4 Challenge...
The Japs v Land Rover
In association with we will be holding a 4x4 trails challenge, if we can get enough of you 4x4 owners to enter. We will have teams of equal numbers competing in the event.
So far the Japs out number the Landy Lads... We need more Landy's!
For an up to date list of entrants visit the forum on the North West 4x4 website
How to enter:
Contact Michael or Steve on the forum at
Date to be advised, dependant on numbers.

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