Back when i lived in Scotland was overtaken by a Transit towing a travellers caravan one of the big long ones Tabart I think theyre called...didnt make the corner jacknifed and hit a tree caravan ended up in the back of the Transit...couldnt believe my eyes when around 10 got out of the Transit and 15 from the caravan..they were all bloody lucky that all were OK apart from hobbling around rubbing knees and elbows...tin of sardines springs to mind now I live in

Probably the weight of all the Land Rover spare wheels in the back of the Transit that caused it to oversteer and crash
and bonnets, and doors,,,,,
At the Newbury auto jumble there is always one guy who drives around at the end of the day picking up unsold engines and gearboxes on the cheap. He drives a Discovery 3 or 4, so won’t be short on power, but it must be a 16’ trailer and it’s absolutely loaded to the gunnels with them! I’ll try and get a picture next time, it’s funny, but a little worrying too. He always gets told off too as he drives around the site before he’s meant to, so clearly he’s a bit of a tw@t that doesn’t care.
About 30 years ago I was following a J4 towing a trailer with a new XJ6 on it.
It was up a long steepish hill.
About half way up the trailer started swinging, which got worse and worse until it inverted and also lifted up the back of the van. All this at no more than 40mph! It is amazing what forces were generated to spin a combined weight of some 3 tons through 180°.
If the driver had been able to accelerate he may have been able to straighten it up but his big mistake was to brake.
And I suspect that the J4 wasnt heavy enough to tow the weight.

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