Dave Kendall

New Member
You only have to go back a few years when this govt was giving away millions to help people cover the cost of converting to LPG under a scheme called Powershift.
LPG, they proclaimed, a clean fuel that was helping the enviroment. Of ourse the grant ran out pretty quick but never the less, some of us dipped in to our own pockets and coughed up £2,000 for the conversion. I did 2 years ago when LPG was around 28p per litre.

Then the rot set in. Wave after wave of price increases, mainly because oil went up and it seemed the thing to do. Then grasping Gordon Brown suddenly woke up in his wet bed one night and decided that LPG was no longer a clean fuel- just like that.

So he decreed several budgets ago, to increase the duty at twice the duty rise on petrol and derv each time in order to reduce the differential. Yesterday, his annoucement meant that on Oct 1st, another 4p plus vat will be slapped on LPG. Average price in the N.West will be around 50p per litre then.:mad:

Give it a year or two and Labour will suddenly decied that Bio diesel and Bi ethonal are ' not so clean " and play catch up with their rates of duty.
They did indeed. Started with the ' you get more mpg from diesel and left the duty alone ". Once there had been a big upturn in diesel buying, they quickly decided that diesel was worse for the enviroment and with their few tame scientists they fashioned a pretty poor argument for upping the excise duty past that of petrol. At the same time, they demanded that the sulphur content be cut. This resulted in diesel producing less miles per gallon so that people had to buy more of the stuff to complete the same journeys
I remember when LRO or was it LRE, or both? were punting LPG a few years ago. A few people then said that the gummint was just waiting for more people to use the stuff and then they would put the price up. I suppose they are all saying 'I told you so' now. :(

Maybe they should invent a car that only gives off hot air (runs on recycled politicians). Though I reckon they would find a way to tax that. Let's face it, they need the money and will get it somehow. Maybe they should have a boot tax on ramblers? :)
If they make an engine that runs on bull**** every politician will be able to power their 3 cars for free!!!!!
If the EGR valve introduces exaust gas to the air intake to reduce sulphur emmisions, plugging the vac tube would stop it happening and give you more mpg & less exaust smoke?
If the EGR valve introduces exaust gas to the air intake to reduce sulphur emmisions, plugging the vac tube would stop it happening and give you more mpg & less exaust smoke?

YES, but the device is still there restricting the flow, and the exhaust gas is still buffering at it along the pipe. Best to block the pipe at the exhaust manifold end. Later, take the whole thing off and bin it.

I reckon they should slap a tax on ....... H-O-R-S-E-S !

Each horse

1. serves NO useful purpose
2. farts out a vast amount of methane gas and that's the real damaging gas.
3. ****s out about NINE TONS of horrible ****e all over the roads and pavements which the horsey people NEVER clean up.
4. blocks roads and obstructs traffic

And they kick people, and even KILL people.

There are more horses in Britain today than there ever were in the years before cars were invented. WHAT FOR ? ? >


Anyway, most people on horses are girls, poofs, or Irish gnomes. I don't care about the last two, and the first would be better served by a good man between their thighs than half a ton of self-propelled Kennomeat.


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