
New Member
Right guys,

might be a wierd one but i want to show my girlfriend what a careing bunch you are by your response to this post.

At 8am this morning i was riding my bike to work with my girlfriend when she crashed behind me going up a curb. not so bad i hear you say... well she only broke her leg in 2 places! 2 diff bones! (Tib and Fib) had to call a freakin ambulance (for the 1st time ever) it was horibble. she got loadsa morph and N2o and now she has to spend the next 2 nights in the orthopedic ward with the old grannies who have just had their hips removed! (or something similar). and im only allowed there from 2.30 to 4.30 and 6.30 to 8 :( she dont know anyone in Bristol and we aint been here long. so i hated leaving her.
Doc. says she will be in a full leg cast for 4 weeks and a lower leg cast for 8 weeks after that :( so i no longer have a co-pilot when im going offroad! :mad:


anyway, get well soon Lisa xxx

(i will show her the post when she gets home in a coupla days or print out as few pages for her)
What a bummer Christmas coming up an all. If it's any consolation I don't know anyone in Bristol either. Our Myrtle sends her love get well soon.
Shoulda stuck to the Landy - Bikes are dangerous.
Best wishes for a speedy recovery.
Who's going to be cooking the Christmas lunch this year?
Looks like it will be me! we were planning on staying in Bristol this year anyway (i usually go back to the valleys to see my family and lisa goes back to Bodmin to see her folks) this was going to be our 1st xmas together.

ive never cooked xmas dinner... never cooked sunday dinner! im fooked!

It's a piece of **** just bung it all the oven and go to pub, will she be out of hospital by then? anyhow go to pub get blathered come home 3 pints after it should have been ready and it will be one of the best meals you ever had.
Hope you get well soon Lisa.

Get a turkey, stick it in the oven with LOADS of butter on top and bacon, for about a day at a lowish temp... cook some potatoes, put butter on them 2, brussel sprouts... don't like them I hear you say... tough, cook some, carrots, cranberry sauce, roast a few potatoes aswell, get some stuffing, um, soup to start, wine... it will be fine.
:) thanks guys, i think the cooking will be fine. she should be out wednesday. needs to see physio about moving around on crutches and the pharmacy for some pain relief then if the consultants happy she can come home. has to go back every week though for xrays to make sure its healing ok, if not its a operation involving a steel rod and a wheelchair for 3 months! :( denied!

Here's a little silver lining to cheer her up with - at least this Christmas and new year its going to be you doing all the driving and her doing all the drinking (meds permitting ofc) :D

Get well soon Lisa!
cum orn griff - book a restaurant and take her out on christmas day!
best wishes to both of yu, but shes a gurly - they strong about these things.

theres lots of that interbreedin goin on - my devon and welsh roots did sum too.
they got a lot to answer for!
cum orn griff - book a restaurant and take her out on christmas day!
best wishes to both of yu, but shes a gurly - they strong about these things.

theres lots of that interbreedin goin on - my devon and welsh roots did sum too.
they got a lot to answer for!

blimey, that's romantic for you!
oooh, can i take a look! :eek:

Wash your mind out :D

Anyways Griff, all the best and mending leg ju-ju sent to your other 'arf. I had an interesting Christmas last year right at the last minute, but that's a story for another thread...;)
so did I! first time i hav got me hands on a computer for weeks, me parents decided that at 36 it was time i mover out and sold the house! i am now living with a fella who set up the ntmklrc (not the marring kind land rover club) and we aint even goota home fone let alone the tinternet! but it good to be back..... i think! :)

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