
Well-Known Member
Hi everyone!

Just thought Id open a thread on "Forgottten Series Land Rovers".

I dont personally own one of these... yet.. but Im an Agronomist so i spend a hell of a lot of time on farms across the UK and Wales and Ive come across loads of Series Land Rovers that are tucked up in the back of barns or left in the middle of old woods covered in tarps.

Every time I see one I take a photo Ive uploaded some of my recent ones and just wondered if any of you had come across any?


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the guy doesnt use it any more he said he parked it up in the late 90s and hasnt touched it since. Worth making him an offer do you think lol?
My knowlage of these is very limited but it has been converted to carry a crop sprayer as you can see in the photo. what would you think it would be worth?
At least a mars bar that one.

Is it the one that had the huge wheels? Forestry Commission used them apparently. Ring Dunsfold and ask.

I think the number plate is cool; RV8 !
Uncommon, yes.
Rare, yes.
Forest rover - no chance!

That looks to be a an early incarnation of a crop sprayer, not sure if it's professionally built or a DIY jobby. I would definitely make an offer on it though, as it's lovely and unique!
hi everyone!

Just thought id open a thread on "forgottten series land rovers".

I dont personally own one of these... Yet.. But im an agronomist so i spend a hell of a lot of time on farms across the uk and wales and ive come across loads of series land rovers that are tucked up in the back of barns or left in the middle of old woods covered in tarps.

Every time i see one i take a photo ive uploaded some of my recent ones and just wondered if any of you had come across any?

the blue one rvp or b is that no it won't be a genuine forestry county? Can't be now i think as wernt they bray 6 studs? Standard wheels would therefore not fit? Nice projects you have found though,

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