Yeh, I saw that danny dyers episode. I believe its on youtube, so might be worth checking that out, as it sounds like you have the original.

Tbh in answer to your original question, if it was me, I would never have wanted anything to do with it. It's kind of freaky, but I like to be sensible, and even though I'm sure there's no spirits or ghools knocking around it, it still strikes me as dirty, and unhygenic. If Rise of the Footsoldier was anything like the real murders (and judging by the pics of the deceased available on the internet it is), then the whole car would just make my skin crawl.

The businessman inside me, say's that you should just pay somebody or some garage to completely strip it down, clean the whole thing, replace any interior bits that need it, and restore it to pristine condition, then get it for sale, along with some sort of proof that it is the original, and watch the bids roll in.
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the saggy headlining suggests its orginal, I doubt they wouldnt have changed the headlining if its covered in brains :doh:

what year were the murders? it depends if they changed if for a another hardboard backed one or a later grp backed one if it would sag again you see.
spooky film that essex boys.

scenes filmed down essex avenue are real,
as the road signs kept getting stolen.
the exteriour shots of the bungalow show a real bungalow still being used,
but now as a holiday home, painted white & light blue.
the interiour shots were filmed in the studios.
the "road" is in Jaywick, essex, and not in canvey as the film suggests.

when I re watch the essex boys,
I still get goose bumps,
even after all this time,

Just watched a danny dyer hardest men and bernard mahoney owns it he said he bought it and had it restored??? And its his daily driver?

What is this?? Rise of the dead THREADS fooking thing is over a year old :doh:
Exactly. Those pics are nasty.

Someone i used to know bought a massive house just north of kidderminster, real nice til you find out that Karl Bridgewater was killed there!
im looking at restoring an old bus, the previous owner said it cant do less than 50 fer some reason?
Just watched a danny dyer hardest men and bernard mahoney owns it he said he bought it and had it restored??? And its his daily driver?

Bernard said that he was borrowing the Range Rover for the day, i watched that episode last night :)
I personally think that is really cool; Owning a peice of 'history' as it where. Rather interesting, fair enough they where brutal murders etc.. Though still highly interesting!

Id restore it.
is a part of history, wouldnt wanna have it as my daily drive about though :/ could be worth a fair few ££££ to a collector or someone who doesnt know the history and wants a nice classic RR HAHA
Still no pictures then!!!

I find it hard to believe this guy has it in his yard as the cars been on ebay theres a speeding ticket ( i know plate could be swoped) but surley he would have got the ticket to him if he owns the original motor? :s if i get pulled by police will ask them politely to do a PNC check lol ;)

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