I am rather concerned about this as Richard is a decent bloke. My ex went to school with him many moons ago, and I had a few beers with him several times before he was famous (even before his C-BBC days).

Sending good vibes and Ju-Ju to him for a speedy recovery...
would you be less concerned if he wasnt? i think the nation is behind this one. i must admit, i cant beleive they let him behind the bars (dragsters dont use wheels, just 2 little grab bars). i saw firestorm at a drag racing event last month, it uses a northrop F5 engine with what can only be described as a yoghurt pot for a shell. it was doing a 1/4mile in under 4seconds reaching around 250mph at the end! god knows what it is capable off on a longer runway.

put it this way, i wouldnt want to be behind the wheel of that kind of monster.

i hope he pulls through ok, wether there will be more top gear remains to be seen.

I think he'll be OK. I spoke to Perry McCarthy (The Stig) last night (OK I was ****ed), and he said he'd spoken to Mindy yesterday and he's pulling through and should be back up and about soon. As to Top Gear, it'll just be more BBC red tape in future...
latest news seems very good. lets hope so.

get well soon, my wifes little hamster.
(she loves him!)
i think its a woman thing, my wife loves him too, well i hope he gets well soon and there is no lasting damage, ;)
did they actually say the brian damage was a result of the accident?? shirley workin along side clarkson would have that effect on anyone
Don't know if any of you Hamster fans know but he's on Jonathon Woss' film whatever tonight.
I was looking in the Christmas Radio Times. It's our Myrtles fault for leaving it out and not explaining properly.

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