
Ok everyone seen a 90 hardtop I'm interested in ,but it has VAT to add to price which works out at £2500 . I work for an employer and can not claim the VAT back ,I have gone back and forth with the decision to purchase the hardtop but cannot bring myself to swallow the VAT on the final price,anyone else had this dilema ,the government have enough off me every month in tax
Ok everyone seen a 90 hardtop I'm interested in ,but it has VAT to add to price which works out at £2500 . I work for an employer and can not claim the VAT back ,I have gone back and forth with the decision to purchase the hardtop but cannot bring myself to swallow the VAT on the final price,anyone else had this dilema ,the government have enough off me every month in tax

It's normal to feel this way about commercial vehicles and it's very off putting to private buyers but the gubmint want's it's share of the spoils and the buck almost always stops with private buyers.

You just have to lie to yourself about the price and only look at the +20% VAT numbers and ignore the lower ones.
Dieseldog you have a valid point the government certainly gets it money’s worth out of commercial vehicle sales, just can’t get my head around being shafted for the VAT
Is the price with Vat included typical for the model?
Yes as it is a commercial vehicle.
Hard top van with first owner being a business and thus passing the VAT on to the next buyer who, if VAT registered can claim it back and then on to the next buyer who if not VAT registered will be paying subsequently less VAT as per the depreciated price so as long as the price reflects the value then you just have to stomach the VAT and lie to yourself and believe that the gubmint does something useful with the cash they pried from your cold dead heart :(
I especially like the private sellers on ebay , whose only "business" is ebay, "VAT to be added to the price" even though they aren't a business seller and don't appear to have any business or company registration, I'm half tempted at times to ask them for their company number and check it out LOL
I especially like the private sellers on ebay , whose only "business" is ebay, "VAT to be added to the price" even though they aren't a business seller and don't appear to have any business or company registration, I'm half tempted at times to ask them for their company number and check it out LOL
Well, if they're charging VAT, they sure as heck want to be registered- HMRC would take a fairly dim view otherwise I expect. They can't keep it, and one of the few organisations you REALLY don't upset are HMRC :(

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