barrygardner said:
The dealer I bought it from was the one who took it away on the low loader. Got 6 months warranty left to run on the car with him. The warranty states that the head is covered but not if its cracked or suffering from porosity. Suppose ill have to get down there and check it out myself in case he tries to pull a fast one and wriggle out of paying.
Nothings ever simple!

Too right Mate!
keep an eye on em and hopefully the repairs are all covered
good luck!:D
Spotted ours before it got serious (by keeping an eye on the coolant condition).

My mate is a self employed mechanic and to make sure the job was a 'good un' sent the head away for skimming as well as fitting a revised gasket.

Al in all I think we paid around the £400 mark, but were also told that would be the end of the problem from now on.

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