Tested mine and I am no wiser than when I started, I have read a bit about this for a while now and there seems to be no definitive answer ?
It needs to be done on a regular basis. There is no definitive value to say good or bad. Hippo has asked for measurements ( times etc) to be posted so that we can get a better guesstimate. Not enough peeps have done that to make it quantifiable. The best we can hope for at the mo is repeatability. If you test yours regularly and it gets stiffer then it needs more investigation.
with this one wheel up test, how would a brand new one test from the start point to the finish time, from that we can gauge what ours is and supposed to be ? do we have this at the moment or not please :confused:
As I said, we do not have a large enough sample, as yet, to be able to draw definitive conclusions, however you might like to read this thread.....


Both of these threads really need to read in conjunction.

You might also want to look at VCU-Test-Results however this is limited to only a few responses. the more we get, the better.

Hippo - does that spreadsheet need to be altered to show temp, for example?
Tested mine and I am no wiser than when I started, I have read a bit about this for a while now and there seems to be no definitive answer ?
That seems to be it in a nutshell.
I can feel mine stiffen on full lock reverse, but then I read this happens on new original vcu's and only goes away on non genuine replacements.
Do these have an approximate life span, as with any servicable part and as such just replace it to avoid possible serious damage ?
That seems to be it in a nutshell.
I can feel mine stiffen on full lock reverse, but then I read this happens on new original vcu's and only goes away on non genuine replacements.
Do these have an approximate life span, as with any servicable part and as such just replace it to avoid possible serious damage ?

Very good question I am still trying to work out if mine does actually need changing and if so as anyone ever bought one from here below, if yes is was the quality good, how long did it last etc.

Very good question I am still trying to work out if mine does actually need changing and if so as anyone ever bought one from here below, if yes is was the quality good, how long did it last etc.

A thread on the site about it. GKN are new and poss best, recon are cheaper and "smoother".
Somebody quoted £300 recon and fitted, not sure if that includes shaft bearings.
Life span is apparently 60k, so I should be on my second.
A thread on the site about it. GKN are new and poss best, recon are cheaper and "smoother".
Somebody quoted £300 recon and fitted, not sure if that includes shaft bearings.
Life span is apparently 60k, so I should be on my second.
Smoother is the wrong word to use. Both new and recon will be smooth to turn as opposed to jerking as they turn. Where they differ is that most owners have found recon's are not as difficult to turn.

There is no proof of life span. Mine failed at 35k miles. Many have gone way past 70k miles. The 70k mile theory is just that. We did try for an average life time of the vcu but not enough peeps came forward with results. Those who have a vested interest in selling recon vcu's will advertise the 70k mile rule.
Smoother is the wrong word to use. Both new and recon will be smooth to turn as opposed to jerking as they turn. Where they differ is that most owners have found recon's are not as difficult to turn.

There is no proof of life span. Mine failed at 35k miles. Many have gone way past 70k miles. The 70k mile theory is just that. We did try for an average life time of the vcu but not enough peeps came forward with results. Those who have a vested interest in selling recon vcu's will advertise the 70k mile rule.
Thanks hippo,
I note that you have changed yours, was that a new GKN or recon and did you change shaft bearings at the same time ?
I have an original on 120k so it wouldn't be unreasonable to change it, however a new vcu and bearings plus labour wouldn't leave much change out of £500 I bet, ouch :eek:
Thanks hippo,
I note that you have changed yours, was that a new GKN or recon and did you change shaft bearings at the same time ?
I have an original on 120k so it wouldn't be unreasonable to change it, however a new vcu and bearings plus labour wouldn't leave much change out of £500 I bet, ouch :eek:
Yep I does have a new gkn vcu. There's a number of suppliers of recon vcu's. Some are lesser scum bags than others. I re-used the bearings but to be frank they're difficult to get oft without damaging them. You need to push only the inner race (bit touching the vcu). To be frank/honest you should change the bearings at the same time, especially on the length of service your vcu has done. Mine came oft easy as I wasn't bothered about damaging the vcu (stops reconners wanting it in exchange) as I cut it open instead. Yer could have a go yerself:

Thanks hippo, a mine of info as always and much appreciated.
Going to have to start saving the pennies. Heavy duty DIY and old bones don't go well .
ok have just put a re-coned vcu on and done the 1 meter and 5 kg test and no movement what so ever with my hole weight on it it turns but slowly.
dam dam dam
ok have just put a re-coned vcu on and done the 1 meter and 5 kg test and no movement what so ever with my hole weight on it it turns but slowly.
dam dam dam

Where did you get it from - bells?
Sounds like a duff one :(.

Ask for the test certificate to show it was tested after repair.

( but don't hold your breath, cos I don't think they log the results - personally I think every vcu should come certificated, otherwise how do you know that it has been repaired or is suitable for use)
28 Aug, 2014
+ £14.99
postage & packaging

1 item sold by land-rover-transmissions
then last month i did the test and it was sized as it was under guarantee so sent it back
and they are meant to recon it but .
and no there is no paper work for it.
If the "one wheel up test" results are higher than expected lift the rear wheels to see if they spin ok. The rear brakes could be catching. The handbrake could be catching.
28 Aug, 2014
+ £14.99
postage & packaging

1 item sold by land-rover-transmissions
then last month i did the test and it was sized as it was under guarantee so sent it back
and they are meant to recon it but .
and no there is no paper work for it.

I recently bought a new GKN VCU for £310 collected from these below and was told by the business owner/ fitter mechanic not to even entertain recon ones as you are just wasting your money, in his opinion the fluid can not be replaced in the right consistency or even drained properly from the unit

Have just been doing some tests on mine this evening. Its a 2006 TD4 Auto, one of the last ones on 79k. It will reverse in circles on full lock at idle all day long and doesn't feel particularly tight. Had VCU bearings replaced 6 months ago as the originals had worn out. Have also done tippex test and marks don't line up. Haven't done one wheel up test yet though.

One thing I have noticed is that after a long drive on twisty roads with a small amount of off road, the VCU is warm to touch. You can keep your hand on it no probs, on short journeys it stays cool.

Could this be a sign that its on the way out, or am I worrying about nothing? How warm do they get after a long drive? Have read a lot of the threads on here but a lot of posts are from those that have already had their VCU go.

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