
Active Member
I did it!!!

For what must be over 20 years, having continuesly talking myself out of it, yesterday I bought a Land Rover!!! A 2003 Disco :)
Did a thorough inspection of all the electrics, mechanics and as much as I could, a good look at the rear of the chassis. There must be something wrong with it, but apart from a sealed rear sunroof, and a slightly saggy headlining (sunroof being guilty I guess) I couldn't find it!! Test drive was fine, although I will need to build up some bigger muscles in my left leg and the heavier power steering.......
So, next week will be the first time Angie will see it, and I hope she likes it!!! I hope so, it's got full leather!
Not sleep till Saturday ;-)

Did you check the warning lights on ignition on?

piccies? of the beast?

And I am going to say it.....................................Have you got a spare working key and an EKA code? also check your drivers door lock barrel works

Oh, and start looking for a friend with a nanocom / hawkeye.

Yep, all dash lights on and off as they should.
All electrics working, I had the check sheet with me ;-)
Spare key, tick and both work on fob and barrel.
I have a friend who has diagnostics, who may become my bezzie mate ;-)
I asked about the EKA code, but the seller was going to look for it......
Apart from not being sure if it has diff lock, I'm chuffed to far ;-)
Sounds good.

Diff lock, check to see if the lever moves sideways. altho they can be tight if not used. You can also get underneath and check to see if the spigot is there or check the transfer box serial number.

Anything you can think to add to the checklist give me a shout.

If you need to find the EKA code, then look at the same place you got the checklist and there is an alarm issues attachment, it tels you how you can get the EKA code in there.

Test drive was fine, although I will need to build up some bigger muscles in my left leg and the heavier power steering.......

You might want to check over the power steering and the clutch mechanicals. Yes, the Disco 2 is a heavy vehicle, but not so heavy that you should need to take out gym membership. Mine is a manual, and I've got a sort of wonky left leg (result of spinal surgery) and I have no trouble with the pedals, or the steering. I've driven heavier cars in the past.
One thing I have noticed though, I don't know why, it might be due to the actual pedal positions, but the position of the driver's seat can have a disproportionate effect on the ability to operate the vehicle controls, you might need to pull the seat forward by one notch on the rail so that you're not trying to press the pedal with just the ankle, but more of the leg.
It's a similar situation with the steering, if the rake angle of the seat back is set wrong then the steering could feel heavy. I prefer a more upright position to the seat back.
I have noticed that the seat settings on my Disco have more of an effect on comfort and driveability than I've experienced on other vehicles. I hate it when the garage brings the Disco back after working on it, I've always got to reset the seat position.
Was it your list?
That really helped me with the checks. been having my Landy mate look with me but he was working. Tbh, I can swing a wrench, but I don't know all the idiosyncrasies of the disco. Thanks, big help ;-)
I will check about the EKA code, the seller was a bit lost when I asked. But I was thinking it may be on one bit of paper and if it's lost, that's it. Good to know it can be gotten from somewhere.
Re the diff lock, I've read that it may not have it, but with the hi-lo knob having it stamped on, and the label in front of, I guessed I was doing something wrong.

Tim :)
Re the diff lock, I've read that it may not have it, but with the hi-lo knob having it stamped on, and the label in front of, I guessed I was doing something wrong.

Haha, I did the same thing, it appears LR had a surplus of stickers and knobs, but no difflock to put in the box ( well it is that way in my case)

If it does not move, then if you lift the leather surround you can see if the plate below the lever is a slot or a square shape. If it is a slot you may still be lucky and find that the internals are there in the Tbox, and it just needs the linkage.

Yes, a listing I wrote a while ago, to help someone else out. If you think of anything then let me know.

Good advice with the clutch, but I have been used to a 'normal' so perhaps I've just gotten a bit soft! ;-)
Haha, I did the same thing, it appears LR had a surplus of stickers and knobs, but no difflock to put in the box ( well it is that way in my case)

If it does not move, then if you lift the leather surround you can see if the plate below the lever is a slot or a square shape. If it is a slot you may still be lucky and find that the internals are there in the Tbox, and it just needs the linkage.

Yes, a listing I wrote a while ago, to help someone else out. If you think of anything then let me know.


When I saw all the lights come on the dash, I could feel the sweat on my palms! It was like blackpool in November!
The seller came out and spoke to my legs while I was under the disco, he asked if I was OK? I said I was only on page one! I'll be another hour mate!!!
Here you go chaps, love the colour already, and need to sort out the condensation in the headlights

Looks clean.

For the lights, use a hairdryer. I also drilled out the breather pipes.


Thanks, seems to be a common problem.
Yes mate, it is very clean, full leather, 5 seats, so storage lockers in the boot
70 odd miles to drive the Disco home, and I am in love!
Should have done this years ago.
Much happier in the driving position, more commanding.
The gear change is a little.....erm.......sedate? Suits me fine
I loved every minute of it.
And when we got home, everything still works!!!!
Neilly........It appears that I do have diff-lok. Well, I say that, the knob says it, the knob moves to the left and engages midway, and the light on the dash illuminates, so could be
I am over the moon, now to start asking stupid questions.................
Neilly........It appears that I do have diff-lok. Well, I say that, the knob says it, the knob moves to the left and engages midway, and the light on the dash illuminates, so could be
I am over the moon, now to start asking stupid questions.................

Lucky man..........Nice to hear you are enjoying it.

A couple of things.

Get yourself the Rave workshop manual downloaded.
As mentioned get the EKA code.
Find or make a friend who likes cake but has proper diagnostics for the D2 TD5.
bookmark this website
Read the bit on the above website about the oil pump bolt, and then search here a month ago a fellow D2 owner with an 04 D2 had one fail.
Give it a nice service including all fluids.

Oh and feel free to ask away.


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