Dr W

Active Member
Well not actually dead but have sold my Trusty clean Classic and I'm a little gutted.

She went on Ebay to a nice guy in Holland who came over today with his wife and they are driving back as we speak/type.

He showed me pictures of a stripped chassis with brand new transmission, gearbox, 4.6l engine. He plans to take mine apart and put the body and interior (which are sound) onto his new chassis and convert it to left hand drive :eek:.

Apparently Classics over in Holland are (a) expensive and (b) rotten.

He says he will send me the pictures when it's done but I won't hold my breath as it's taken him 2 years to get the chassis and engine parts done.

Anyway nice to see that my ex-car will have a new lease of life and be reborn with a continental twist so that softens the sadness of selling her.

Anyway this now gives me a new slush fund to pay for the P38 which I imagine will be needed :D.
Had one but now want a little more comfort and I like the air suspension in the P38 despite what people might say.

Was just a bit sad to see the Classic go.

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