just goes to show, even in times of the greatest recession in living memory, there are still idiots out there with more ****ing money than sense........and taste!!!!!! It looks that bad not even Elton John would be seen in it!
Hahahahahahahahahah ....

Jeez ... words fail ...
gay munter.
Wouldnt bid on any car without knowing the milage or tax or mot date.
Wouldnt bid on THAT car if i was on drugs!
You know when you were a kid and you found a paint brush and a tin of paint and painted every thing on your toy car with it, all the same colour!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Never mind Elton John not driving it, Stevie Wonder would laugh at it and beat it with his stick!
no i aint lol wudnt touch anything like that with yours :D, he likes to have silly digs at people he dont know cos he's daft :)

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