
New Member
Years ago you could go to a paint supplier and ask for Land-Rover Limestone and get it, now they look at you as if you are daft. Land-Rover Bronze Green still seems to be recognised and possibly some of the new colours.
Apparently Limestone isn't a BS coded shade, and it seems to have various Rover, Dupont, BLMC & Ditzler codes; this is all very well until you want a matching power-coat when a RAL code is needed.
Some say it's about RAL1013, some say it's about RAL1014 and some say it's about RAL1015 - anyone got anything positive?
I had the exact same trouble when spraying my roof / sides not that long ago. Only BS colour with limestone was limestone beige - and that seemed very dark.

Decided to use Corperate Cream (I think) in the end - goes beautifully with Deep Bronze Green & is a genuine land rover colour although is a post '81 shade, so obviously wasn't used as standard when series were made. But i've seen alot of other series with the same tone, so it doesn't look out of place.


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