
Well-Known Member
I’m saving for the new one. :D
New one = instant loss on purchase price of 30%+ and 50% after 3 years, old one value rising year on year. New one off the road with electronic and other faults, old one reliable electronically and if sorted mechanically too. You re welcome to chuck your money away:D
I know it is very personal, but the new one isn’t done any favours in that colour, the original on the other hand brings back fond memories of mine in that colour
i know they are 2 very different cars from different eras, but the new one just looks so fat and blubbery. The proprtions are so wrong compared to the old one, the roof needs to be taller, so theres more glass
before too many years pass, windows will just be slits
New one = instant loss on purchase price of 30%+ and 50% after 3 years, old one value rising year on year. New one off the road with electronic and other faults, old one reliable electronically and if sorted mechanically too. You re welcome to chuck your money away:D

Been there and done that and still take a hit on the new cars I buy, but i work hard and u only live once.
Been there and done that and still take a hit on the new cars I buy, but i work hard and u only live once.
In 60 years, I have never bought a new car with my own cash, had quite a few new company purchases where the loss was mitigated by the tax advantages.:)
I dint like that blue on the new one.

What’s in the other hand??? :D
There’s a few on the roads ‘common as’ but they see to be two popular colours grey and black, if I ever buy a Land Rover again it will be green... all Land Rovers should be green :D

Still have my disco its now served its purpose but its reliable, only past issues failed water pump and viscous coupling bearings, and importantly no chassis rust and passed the MOT every year.
My 5year Jag XE takes the strain, which will be part x that for something else this year... A Raptor :cool:
The new one ... looks like a ford... a Nissan....
A Kia... a Honda....etc..etc...etc
But the other one looks like a classic
It’s the only one that looks like that.

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