
Active Member
It Has Arrived...
The 110Posted by Nicky Smith Sun, October 18, 2015 15:46:47
The day did not start well.
Last night when I went to bed at a far to unreasonable time for a weekend, 9:20pm, I was feeling pretty rough and it was not through anything fun that I had done like a quick drink at lunchtime that turned into a bit of a session oh no it was because I was aching from top to toe as well as feeling exhausted.

Don't get me wrong here I am not moaning there are plenty of bugs doing the rounds at the moment and it seemed it was just my turn to have a go no dear reader I am just pointing out that this is where it began and carried on throughout the night giving me little sleep and making me feel worse and worse as time drew on until the dawn broke and sweating like mad whilst feeling cold I had disturbed Wifey enough by my constant tossing and turning that she got up and us a cup of tea.
As I lay there I realised that I wasn't going to be getting up any time soon in fact I had not felt this ill for a great many years even the prospect of taking delivery of my new project 110 couldn't drag me from the confines of my pit and I lay there until three minutes before the 110 actually arrived outside of my house on the back of a trailer that was being towed by the sellers girlfriend.
Before I go on I just want to say it's great meeting new Landy folk and it's even better to see that the Land Rover brand still attracts the younger generations because this will ensure of beloved green oval motors carry on for years to come!

As I looked out of my window at the 110 the adrenaline kicked in and gave me my first boost of energy in 24 hours so I threw some clothes on and headed outside to meet the folk delivering it for me.
I knew this 110 would need some work because the seller had been brutally honest on the phone had sent me numerous pictures of what needed doing and it does indeed need a fair whack of welding along with numerous other things doing. In fact I thought I might have just been patching this up then running it but having had a closer look I will do a bit more than that! I will do a basic system overhaul weld the bugger up then get it MOT'd so it can become a running restoration.
This one will be a keeper for me I have worked my way up to it from the Series 3 to the Discovery and now my 110 pre Defender which was what I always wanted in the first place!



Specs then! He's a 110 obviously running a 2.5 n/a Diesel lump is ex MOD thankfully running on 12v. I have yet to send off for a merlin report to see if I can get some history on him but I will sort that out soon enough. The tyres are shot but the rims are good, the welding is mainly located to rear cross member and of course the bulk head. I will patch to begin with then see if I can source major replacement parts later.
He does need a name though and Wifey was asking what it was a couple of days ago but I had to get to know the old boy before I could decide I mean it will be with him for a very long time!
After careful thought consideration and lots of pondering I have decided that I shall call him...Pukah.

Sounds like "Pukka" which is both a pie I love and an old slang word for "Good" that will embarrass the children deeply each time I use it. So a win win all round!

Costings will be kept up this time around and yes I know I may have been able to get something a bit cheaper but the way Defender prices are rising I think this was about bang on the money.


TOTAL £1500
Havn't looked if I am honest. I am rough as today and I had to drag myself up and out just to take delivery!
There will be more info to come over the next few days :)
What engine it got? 19J turbo diesel?

.....Scratch that, noticed it's an na. I like that engine, I'm currently upgrading to a 1.4 transfer box.
Looking good Min. All the best with this one, can't wait to see the write up + pics. And I bet you're finished before me!!
I doubt it as my hours have changed at work now so not quite so much free time but I hope to have it at least on the road by March as a running resto!
I shall of course keep writing it up warts and all ;)
Dirt & Leaks.
The 110Posted by Nicky Smith Mon, October 19, 2015 18:32:58
Having got home with a time a little light left in the sky and feeling something like a human I took a little pleasure in exploring Pukka from Bonnet to Boot.
The engine started easily enough and smoked like a pig when revved but the diesel seems old and the oil is black so hopefully a quick change on both will sort the problem but lets not get ahead of ourselves here there is plenty more to do before we get to the point of driving him around.
Now how do I know the fuel is old well it's because the injector pump is leaking like a pig and the fuel has almost turned thicker than oil...


The engine and it's bay are filthy so a new jet wash will be bought at the weekend to give a good clean out so I can see what I am dealing with rather than fumbling through the oily mass...


I did find this attached to the passenger wing and have not got a clue what it is...


The new welder is sitting waiting so I am looking forward to getting that set up this weekend for the first time and breaking it in on the chassis. I am in two minds whether to patch up the pillars on the bulk head but they are pretty rough so maybe replacement repair panels may be in order instead.

So he is filthy oily and leaks like a pig at the moment. There are more holes in him than a sink sponge and he seems to soak up as much water but I have to admit I like him. I get a good feeling when I am sat in him and as I look around I can see what he will become, it's not the quick patch up and go that I was expecting but I really do think he is a keeper.
Let the fun and games of a cold winter rebuild begin...
I have been informed by those in the know that it turns red if and when the air filter becomes blocked!
Why you couldn't just take a quick look at the filter I do not know lol
I have been informed by those in the know that it turns red if and when the air filter becomes blocked!
Why you couldn't just take a quick look at the filter I do not know lol
very common at one time especially with engines that could spend time running in dusty conditions
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Might be an indication of where he has been then! I have sent off for the information on him so who knows!
It's easy enough to get hold of its record. It's a civvy spec vehicle so it shouldn't of had a hellish life. Mine was in Afghanistan and the gulf but was medical regiment so I suspect it spent life mostly as a glorified taxi.

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