Oh dear. Joined a few hours ago and hasn't received immediate gratification. Suggest you either be patient, start HRT or go to a garage and pay over the odds.
is that pointing her in the right direction, Storm ;).

reet - first things first - get yoself in the Gaylander forum.

then check that the cooling system has been bled propper and if it has, .......

cry & sell it.
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No advice has got to be better than the normal advice on 1.8 Freelanders overgeating...what was it again. (Int it empty wivout heem)

Oh yes...
I think she's getting advice on the thread she started in Introduce Yourself...if she's reading it and not randomly postin elsewhere without a link to the original question...
with an attitude like that when you just joined I wouldnt help you even if you paid me

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