Home from the show now.

We managed to slash a tyre on the off-road course. Nasty 5cm vertical gash. Completely flat. A marshal pointed it out. The tyre was only about 3 weeks old!

The marshals were fantastic helping to fit the spare and find a working bottle jack as mine was leaking! Many thanks to them.

Also ended up with a headlamp full of water. Trying to dry that out now.

The course was very good fun, as I expected for something Vince Cobley had something to do with. Just the right balance of difficult with minimal chance of any damage, excepting the bad luck with the tyre.

Didn't spend much time looking at the arena events but did the shops instead.

Found somewhere to get a custom roof rack and treated the Disco to a new Torque Performance rear bumper.

Poor guys at the TP4x4 stand. I visited 3 times before I made my mind up to get the bumper then had trouble getting enough cash together because the cash machine was out of order! Got there in the end courtesy of some cash back at the sweet shop. Came home with completely empty pockets.

Fantastic day.
... What got the tyre?
Not sure.

We looked on the next go round but nothing obvious. The site was mainly sand but there were plenty of rocks cleared to the sides. I guess one just stuck out in the wrong place.

We didn't see anyone else with any tyre damage so we were just unlucky.

I've just put some picture of the day, including the tyre on my blog:
Discover That: LRO Show Peterborough


They trialled a night show after most of the crowd left - for the campers and exhibitors, was amazing, winch course in the dark, and a camel / G4 tribute under spotlights. Hopefully it will be a regular thing, as it was good.

Much bigger show than it has been over the last few years, with a lot more clubs and exhibitors.
I spent all of my money on a flat dog roof rack which we had to strap to the Freelander. Oh, and a mantec snorkel and proper hi lift jack.

I'm very much poor now :(
it was a good show,bigger than the last time i went there.

still spent too much though.

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