
Well-Known Member
Well in late 2012 we found ourselves a Freelander and rushed in to get her before
anyone else had a chance, only to find she had a few well known issues that you guys
and galls have helped me with over the first year of ownership, she went from being a pup
to a great addition to the family, very little issues over the next 4 years and then we found
her replacement, something very different in almost every way, the only one that’s the same
is the smile I find on my face..

I would like to thank all of you for your help over especially the first year,
but specifically Hippo himself, thank you for all the help on and off the forum,
SES88 for the ideas that nearly made us millionaires.

It’s been fun and it’s been emotional,
But most of all its been greasy..

Well in late 2012 we found ourselves a Freelander and rushed in to get her before
anyone else had a chance, only to find she had a few well known issues that you guys
and galls have helped me with over the first year of ownership, she went from being a pup
to a great addition to the family, very little issues over the next 4 years and then we found
her replacement, something very different in almost every way, the only one that’s the same
is the smile I find on my face..

I would like to thank all of you for your help over especially the first year,
but specifically Hippo himself, thank you for all the help on and off the forum,
SES88 for the ideas that nearly made us millionaires.

It’s been fun and it’s been emotional,
But most of all its been greasy..
Thanks for yer kind words.

Am sorry to hear of yer sad loss. It's a sad time in one's life when yer Freelander has to go. Life can be so cruel. But as a wise ole Freelanderer once said: "Tis betterer to have Freelander'd and lost than never to have Freelander'd at all"

Am also sorry to hear yer wont be around on the forum as much. Your one of the longer standing members. Yer can always pop back and visit us any time. Especially as I have now desided to make yer an honorary Freelanderer (until yer buy another one)

When yer ses "...her replacement, something very different in almost every way..." it does make me wonder what yer got. Something that can't go oft road, uncomfortable to drive, breaks down every week, has no street cred and the roof leaks...

All the best for the future
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Hope your not gone for long.
Can't think to part with mine. after 7 yrs of ownership It's my work horse that's not let me down.. Accrington Pals Trench, the Somme
Water Street, Penmaenmawr 093.JPG
Thanks for yer kind words.

When yer ses "...her replacement, something very different in almost every way..." it does make me wonder what yer got. Something that can't go oft road, uncomfortable to drive, breaks down every week, has no street cred and the roof leaks...

All the best for the future

You almost had me teary then mate,
We have purchased a 2006 Mini Cooper S,,
So no off roading,
Its got 18" wheels and sports suspension, so a little firm,
Reliable so far,
Has a small following around the world,
No roof leaks,

But it does have the battery in the boot in a very similar place to the Freelanders optional Fish Tank
Lets hope the electrics stay dry..
You'll probably be back, wether it's a Freelander or one of the other Land-rovers, they get under your skin.
We've had ours about 14 years, we've discussed numerous times about getting rid of it. We've even bought a Jeep:oops: But the Hippo carries on in our family. I'm sat in it at the mo waiting for an appointment, thinking it needs a wash!
The thought crosses my mind to have something different every now and then, then I remember what this can do and how relatively easy it is to work on, get bits for and the knowledge base on here to help me out when I get stuck.
So have a play in your Mini for a while, we'll keep the kettle warm and a tea bag at the ready.
See you soon
I used to have a mini cooper s but back in the sixties the real ones I do miss the speed but not the getting into it with bad legs and bad back.
I love driving the Mini as it has a fantastic chassis, but I hate working on them. Would I swap my TD4 SE for a Mini?


But I hope you enjoy it.;)
The woman next door had a Supercharged (BMW) Mini Cooper. But with her arthritis getting worse changing gear was getting more difficult, so she just traded it in on a new automatic one (without telling her husband!). Not sure what model this one is, but evidently the dealership has given her a lifetime of free car grooming - when ever she wants, she can just drop it in and they'll groom it for free! She's talking about dropping it off every week when she does her weekly shop!
Hi IndiT4, it sounds as though you are leaving just after I have joined. Having had Mandy the Landy for 3 months now, and received some cracking advice on here (particularly Lord Hippo of Freeland) I hope that I become a suitable replacement!
Well in late 2012 we found ourselves a Freelander and rushed in to get her before
anyone else had a chance, only to find she had a few well known issues that you guys
and galls have helped me with over the first year of ownership, she went from being a pup
to a great addition to the family, very little issues over the next 4 years and then we found
her replacement, something very different in almost every way, the only one that’s the same
is the smile I find on my face..

I would like to thank all of you for your help over especially the first year,
but specifically Hippo himself, thank you for all the help on and off the forum,
SES88 for the ideas that nearly made us millionaires.

It’s been fun and it’s been emotional,
But most of all its been greasy..

You don't have to leave the forum! We have many ex-landy owners who still frequent the threads. We even have a member who has never owned one! @Thor1950 .you never know, you might even buy a real land rover one day... ;) :p
I had to sell our Landy because of reasons, but I'm still here, still chatting and giggling ...

Stay for the craic ... help with the advice, even if it is just moral support ...
I am still lurking, and will chirp in when am able to help or shoot someone down..

I dont give up that easy..

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