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ALL bicyclists are c*nts and need to be exterminated.

Don't give a **** if they're commuter cyclists or so called ****ing 'club' cyclists. They all think the world and the traffic should stop for them

****ing c*nts :mad::mad:

What kinda 'grown up' goes out for a bike ride with all the proper toys ya can get, I speshly detests these fat tw*ts I see around here out on Sundays - 'racing'. Coronary on two wheels dressed in a gimp suit. :rolleyes:

Oi you. Just cos you aint got quads of steel to propel you as fast as me :D

I'm off out on my pushbike right now as it seems. Just about to get changed into my lycra and then go and race the city traffic. Overtaking taxi's is the most fun.

Stops me from getting an ugly gut at least and is ten times better than doing 100 situps a day.
I think he's asking if you did full direct access or restricted licence

was posted on another thread that you don't actually have a full licence for a
bike, was wondering if you had gained the entitlement on your licence of whether you had had restrictors fitted by an authorised garage to restrict the bike's bhp output below 33. if not the bike insn't insured. haven't caught up with the the other thread so asked on this one:D
now now fanny,thats not the way some people do things is it,luckily its the way i do it though.:D:D:D

I ask 3 times-fourth is a burial. Thankfully Extravaganza and equinox Pilton party=lets go:D old skool rules ok
Thanks for the replies. The dick on the bike has done this to the guy in front before and the guy in front had a go at him the last time. So I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. The guy on the bike used to deliver our paper thankfully for him he doesn't anymore. the problem I have now is the fact that I am 17 with a insurance claim that is my fault. This means that it will be a bit longer before I can affort to insure my Defender.
Thanks again Eddy
Thanks for the replies. The dick on the bike has done this to the guy in front before and the guy in front had a go at him the last time. So I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. The guy on the bike used to deliver our paper thankfully for him he doesn't anymore. the problem I have now is the fact that I am 17 with a insurance claim that is my fault. This means that it will be a bit longer before I can affort to insure my Defender.
Thanks again Eddy

how much damage is there to the other car,is it worth paying for it to be repaired.
Mine will be a write off but its only a cheap banger. the car I hit was a Mazda 6. It will need a new boot and bumper but the bloke said its got pearlencent paint so it will cost about £2000 for his to be repaired.
Mine will be a write off but its only a cheap banger. the car I hit was a Mazda 6. It will need a new boot and bumper but the bloke said its got pearlencent paint so it will cost about £2000 for his to be repaired.

ask him to get an estimate first,then you can work out if it is feasible.
its not your job to make way for idiots on bikes, you pay road tax they dont. Give them the room they need to safely ride near you and if they chose not to ride safely they they are going to come off worse if they end up under you wheel, especially at 17 i would be more worried about crashing into someone that a cycling riding into the side of my car.
and before anyone says i am also a cyclist and realise that roads are for cars, so they have the priority, a cyclist can stop a lot quicker than a car or lorry
****ing cyclists **** me right off! saw a little old lady nearly knocked flying by one going the wrong way down a one way street, most of them feel the highway code doesn't apply to them, then a couple of days ago i was driving down said one way street and one of them starts yelling abuse at me for not getting out of his way when he was going the wrong way! the police won't/can't do anything about the c*nts time for the problem to be solved the hard way........ i wonder how well spokes hold up to a size 13 steel toecapped boot?..... or the ****er face for that matter
When you do finally get your defender bikes won't be a worry for you - just get a good bull bar on the front then ignore every inconsiderate f**ker on the road.

Yes some bikers are sensible, but equally a lot are retards out to deliberatly **** off road users and really do deserve to be knocked down.
Alredy got an A bar but I think a bull bar will be a good investment. At the end of the day I am inexperienst but have learnt from my mistake. But at a big cost.
Slightly different situation, but I was hit from behind by a driver distracted by someone else doing something stupid. Unfortunately for the 18 year old lass driving, I was towing my motorcycle on a trailer when she hit me. 200kgs of bike went into and through the back door of the disco and the trailer was pretty ****ed too. Girls metro was written off.
Because I use my Disco for work and use it for offroad towing I had to have a similar vehicle as a courtesy car. I ended up with a Disco 3 TDV6 for 5 weeks while everything was repaired, as well as a courtesy motorbike, as mine was a total loss. The total cost of the insurance claim came to well over 12K. thank **** she was insured!

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