
New Member
Hi all - sorry if this is a stupid question!

I recently drove a new Range Rover with terrain response. Now I understand how it adjusts the brakes, throttle response, etc, depending on the program.

What I was wondering was how you'd go about doing the same thing in the pre-facelift Range Rover (i.e. same shape but before they put the terrain response in it)?

I.E. If you were driving through mud ruts would you need to change anything in a non-terrain response car? And does the terrain response make the car more capable?

Hope that all makes sense!


you just need to learn to drive off road.. the terrain response is a drivers aid and as with all such drivers aids it has been programmed with knowledge from good drivers.. abs automates cadence braking, launch control mimics perfect clutch and throttle control etc etc...
Ah thanks for clearing that up!

It was one of those land rover experience afternoons which I went on last week that got me started! Very nice car too, just wish I had a spare £60k lol
terrain response - good for getting numpties in over there heads and reducing driver control over the vehicle
How does it reduce driver control?

depending on the setting it won't allow you to have full throttle control, and as they are all fooking auto's you don't have full control of the vehicle anyway

its like off road for fooking idiots
the system is an aid even for someone experienced offroad though, try putting different amounts of power to individual wheels yourself, you cant.

depending on the setting it won't allow you to have full throttle control, and as they are all fooking auto's you don't have full control of the vehicle anyway

its like off road for fooking idiots

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