
New Member
Right i have a quick quesiton of everyone and hopefully someone will be able to help as my TDI appears to be running a little wam. I have just fitted a steve parker temp sensor to the old girl and she is now reading between 1/2 and 3/4 so a little warmer than half way. Will these senders usually sit on the 1/2 line when fitted or is this expected? If I connect the disco temp sensor to a series guage as i had before this it sits about 1/4 of the way up the guage at the same temperature and has down since i installed it. Ill go for a longer run tonight and see how it goes/ check my thermostat.

FYI im runnign a series 3 rad and its stone cold at the base.

Any help would be much appreciated.

guage isnt a thermometer it just measure resistance in temp switch of which you have different to original as long as thers enough movement of needle for it to rise to running temp and further if necessary it dosent matter where it sits,its if it rises from normal running position or drops that yoou should look for,you can get small adjustable resistor from places like maplins etc which can be put inline to get guage to read as youd like ,we used to use them a few years ago when engine conversion was very prevalent
Oh sorry I don't think i explained, i understand how they work, it was just i bought a so called conversion piece from steve parker that should make it read right and that seems to think its Hot so i was hoping other people who have used this type of thing could help me. I was told the range on the series sender/guage was only about 30 degrees anyways if anyone knows if there is any truith in that

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