i spent 2 hrs last weekend cleaning my rad after it was running hot and even the twin kenlowes wouldnt get temp down,even after cleaning there wasnt much of an improvement

so today i removed the rear panel on the allisport rad housing the kenlowes and this is what i found


so another 2 hrs spent cleaning
i also thought i would replace the thermostat just on the offchance of it being faulty,but there wernt one in there:eek:

so thermostat done and rad cleaned and antifreeze added

once started it takes approx 5 mins at idle for the heater to be blowing hot

on a drive the temp guage goes to nearly the red but when you check under the bonnet the rad isnt yet hot neither is the exspansion bottle

the guage moves up to the red once the rad is hot and the fans bring the temp down a bit but the temp guage doesnt seem to be reading true or is it?

its a 4.2v8 rrc.

what can i check or how can i check if guage is reading true?

...sorry, hadn't finished that post...if it is but not overly hot, and all the other pipes and tanks give the indication that it isn't getting as hot as the gauge suggests i would change the sender unit first.
What do the kenlowes use to switch themselves on?

...sorry, hadn't finished that post...if it is but not overly hot, and all the other pipes and tanks give the indication that it isn't getting as hot as the gauge suggests i would change the sender unit first.
What do the kenlowes use to switch themselves on?

the kenlowes are on a switch in the cab..mmm sender might be worth a go
the kenlowes are on a switch in the cab..mmm sender might be worth a go

My advice, get a pucker sender from a steelership. Still only about £10-£12. Went through two faulty ****part ones tring to diagnose simillar problem. Save yourself the heartache and get one you know (should) works.
how did you manage to clean your rad with it all caked like that? mines the same atm and hose pipe didnt touch it
Hose pipes on rads are generally bad idea, learnt that cleaning out tractor ones, it just. Wets the dust further and turns it into a bigger gooey mess, airline with fine jet tip ftw clean in a fraction of a time
Hose pipes on rads are generally bad idea, learnt that cleaning out tractor ones, it just. Wets the dust further and turns it into a bigger gooey mess, airline with fine jet tip ftw clean in a fraction of a time
taint no dust

^ it's not dust, it's caked on mud.

yep...hose pipe worked well for me..

and if it was dust:doh:.where would i magic a compressor, airline,and fine jet tip from..
cheers ill have to give that a go, i also need to straighten the fins i bent with the jet wash from my first attempt :(
It'll help if you can wash from the inside out as the dirt accumulated was forced into the rad from the outside in, less resistance to push the crap back out ;)
have shed a little light on the possible problem solving

the original engine was a 1983 3.5 v8 on carbs and the engine in there now is a 1993 4.2 v8 efi

the original guage is in situ but the sender is out of the 4.2 so maybe they may not be compatable?

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