My temp guage runs to off the scale within 5 minutes of engine running. The engine is running fine. Tested the wiring earth and connection which seems fine.So I bought a new sensor from paddocks and fitted.

The needle still runs off the scale? checked the part with paddock, they confirmed that I had the right sensor for a 200tdi defender engine.
Any ideas on what I should try next?
Just so you know I'm not an engineer or an electrician just a keen learner making lots of silly mistakes. Any advice would be appreciated.
I don't know if it was working before I stripped for rebuild which does not help much. The guage could be the problem. I dont really want to by a new one and find out that it was something else causing the problem!
I don't know if it was working before I stripped for rebuild which does not help much. The guage could be the problem. I dont really want to by a new one and find out that it was something else causing the problem!

is it the original gauge and the original engine or have you put a different engine it ?

was the gauge reading correctly previous to your rebuild ?
is it the original gauge and the original engine or have you put a different engine it ?

was the gauge reading correctly previous to your rebuild ?

I don't know if the guage is the original but the engine is. Unfortunately i dont know if the guage was working before I rebuilt.
they said you got the right sensor ohw bout the guage? and has it always done this or just started

I dont know it the guage ever worked!? This problem occurred as soon as I a fired up the engine after a chassis strip down and rebuild. I guess I will have to get old of another guage to quickly plug in to test.
thanks for your help anyway.
Earthed the guage with new earth wire and its cured the fault.
Thanks to everyone who offered advice

This post is quite old but having the same issue. Green thread slipped into housing. Reassembled everything finally.. runs for 1-2 min and temp guage is high then max. Engine is cool. On edge of ordering new guage but pricey... u replaced the ground wire which attached to center post of guage and was fine after that? Sorry.. 6 years back I know but relevant post! :)
The gauges need a good ground connection as a reference point- the sender is varying the resistance between the gauge input and ground, but the gauge needs to know where ground actually is. Usually the ground path for the sender is fine as it goes through the engine block and directly back to the battery, but the gauge ground suffers from high resistance due to corrosion and may not actually be 0v. Try tenporarily connecting a new wire directly from the back of the gauge to the battery negative and see if that changes the reading.
The gauges need a good ground connection as a reference point- the sender is varying the resistance between the gauge input and ground, but the gauge needs to know where ground actually is. Usually the ground path for the sender is fine as it goes through the engine block and directly back to the battery, but the gauge ground suffers from high resistance due to corrosion and may not actually be 0v. Try tenporarily connecting a new wire directly from the back of the gauge to the battery negative and see if that changes the reading.

Yeah. I just checked again. Stout wire w alligator clips.. confirmed ohms were good. Connected to guage center post and then to batt ground. Same thing.. temp goes up. I dunno. Guessing I should just buy and try the guage. Any knowledge of the proline brand? 130 vs 330 for oem.
There is something to be said for a simple mechanical gauge. We built a 90 a while back with a combined water temp/oil pressure gauge which is completely mechanical apart from the light. You have a small oil pipe for the pressure and a capilary tube and sender which replaces the original sensor.

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